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Shell signature hint

by default the Bliss shell does not follow properties for signature hints and auto completion. This is done to avoid unwanted code evaluation.


if code inside a property should be evaluated for completion or signature hints the autocomplete_property might help.

BLISS [28]: class C():
       ...:     @property
       ...:     def a(self):
       ...:          return numpy.array(range(3))
       ...:     @autocomplete_property
       ...:     def b(self):
       ...:          return numpy.array(range(3))
BLISS [29]: c=C()

# for the `normal` property...
BLISS [30]: c.a(        # no signature hints
BLISS [30]: c.a.        # no completion

# for the autocomplete_property property
BLISS [30]: c.b.
              all          argsort      clip      
              any          astype       compress  
              argmax       base         conj      

BLISS [30]: c.b.flags.
                       aligned         carray       
                       behaved         contiguous   
                       c_contiguous    f_contiguous 

BLISS [30]: c.b.astype(
                       astype(dtype, order='K', casting='unsafe', subok=True, copy=True)

in order for the autocomplete_property to work the code inside the property is evaluated by the shell first and a second time when hitting enter! This means it should never contain hardware communication or tigger actions that e.g. change a state.

UserNamespace and UserNamedtuple

The UserNamespace is a namespace that that uses autocomplete_property itself. It provides a signature completion in the Bliss shell also for its members.

To illustrate the usecase, fist an example what SimpleNamespace, namedtuple or any other class that uses normal properties would do:

BLISS [11]: from types import SimpleNamespace
BLISS [12]: s=SimpleNamespace(**{"a":a})
BLISS [13]: s.a(          # no signature suggestion in shell
the equivalent behaviour can be seen in a self-written class as well

BLISS [21]: class D():
       ...:     def a(self,kwarg=13):
       ...:         print(a)
       ...:     @property
       ...:     def b(self):
       ...:         return a
       ...:     @autocomplete_property
       ...:     def c(self):
       ...:         return a

BLISS [22]: d=D()
BLISS [23]: d.a(
                a(kwarg=13)        # signature suggestion in shell
BLISS [23]: d.b(
                                   # no signature suggestion in shell
                                   # because the code in the property
                                   # is not evaluated for the shell
                                   # signature completion
   BLISS [20]: d.c(
                a(self, kwarg=13)  # signature suggestion in shell

with the UserNamespace there is also a signature hint also for the properties / members fo the namespace

BLISS [1]: from bliss.common.utils import UserNamespace
BLISS [2]: def b(self,kwarg=13):
      ...:     print("toto")
BLISS [4]: c=UserNamespace({"b":b})
BLISS [5]: c.b(
              b(self, kwarg=13)   # signature suggestion in shell
in analogy to the namedtuple there is also UserNamedtuple

BLISS [1]: from bliss.common.utils import UserNamedtuple
BLISS [2]: Ntup  = UserNamedtuple("ntup","a,b")
BLISS [3]: def a(self,kwarg=13):
      ...:     print("toto")
BLISS [4]: nt=Ntup(a,1)
BLISS [5]: nt.a(
                 a(self, kwarg=13) # signature completion