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"""Error handling."""
0: ('SUCCESS', None), 1: ('OPEN_FILE', None), 2: ('FILEERR', None), 3: ('NOSECTION', None), 4: ('FORMAT_ERROR', None), 5: ('ILLEGAL_OPERATION', 'Attempted to configure options in an illegal order'), 6: ('FILE_RA', 'File random access unable to find name-value pair'), 7: ('SET_POS', 'Error getting file position.'), 201: ('UNKNOWN_DECIMATION', 'The decimation read from the hardware does not match a known value'), 202: ('SLOWLEN_OOR', 'Calculated SLOWLEN value is out-of-range'), 203: ('SLOWGAP_OOR', 'Calculated SLOWGAP value is out-of-range'), 204: ('SLOWFILTER_OOR', 'Attempt to set the Peaking or Gap time s.t. P+G>31'), 205: ('FASTLEN_OOR', 'Calculated FASTLEN value is out-of-range'), 206: ('FASTGAP_OOR', 'Calculated FASTGAP value is out-of-range'), 207: ('FASTFILTER_OOR', 'Attempt to set the Peaking or Gap time s.t. P+G>31'), 208: ('BASELINE_OOR', 'Baseline filter length is out-of-range'), 301: ('INITIALIZE', None), 302: ('NO_ALIAS', None), 303: ('ALIAS_EXISTS', None), 304: ('BAD_VALUE', None), 305: ('INFINITE_LOOP', None), 306: ('BAD_NAME', 'Specified name is not valid'), 307: ('BAD_PTRR', 'Specified PTRR is not valid for this alias'), 308: ('ALIAS_SIZE', 'Alias name has too many characters'), 309: ('NO_MODULE', 'Must define at least one module before'), 310: ('BAD_INTERFACE', 'The specified interface does not exist'), 311: ('NO_INTERFACE', 'An interface must defined before more information is specified'), 312: ('WRONG_INTERFACE', "Specified information doesn't apply to this interface"), 313: ('NO_CHANNELS', 'Number of channels for this module is set to 0'), 314: ('BAD_CHANNEL', 'Specified channel index is invalid or out-of-range'), 315: ('NO_MODIFY', 'Specified name cannot be modified once set'), 316: ('INVALID_DETCHAN', 'Specified detChan value is invalid'), 317: ('BAD_TYPE', 'The DetChanElement type specified is invalid'), 318: ('WRONG_TYPE', 'This routine only operates on detChans that are sets'), 319: ('UNKNOWN_BOARD', 'Board type is unknown'), 320: ('NO_DETCHANS', 'No detChans are currently defined'), 321: ('NOT_FOUND', 'Unable to locate the Acquisition value requested'), 322: ('PTR_CHECK', 'Pointer is out of synch when it should be valid'), 323: ('LOOKING_PTRR', 'FirmwareSet has a FDD file defined and this only works with PTRRs'), 324: ('NO_FILENAME', 'Requested filename information is set to NULL'), 325: ('BAD_INDEX', "User specified an alias index that doesn't exist"), 326: ('NULL_ALIAS', 'Null alias passed into function'), 327: ('NULL_NAME', 'Null name passed into function'), 328: ('NULL_VALUE', 'Null value passed into function'), 329: ('NEEDS_BOARD_TYPE', 'Module needs board_type'), 330: ('UNKNOWN_ITEM', 'Unknown item'), 331: ('TYPE_REDIRECT', 'Module type can not be redefined once set'), 332: ('NO_TMP_PATH', 'No FDD temporary path defined for this firmware.'), 333: ('NULL_PATH', 'Specified path was NULL.'), 350: ('FIRM_BOTH', 'A FirmwareSet may not contain both an FDD and seperate Firmware ' 'definitions'), 351: ('PTR_OVERLAP', 'Peaking time ranges in the Firmware definitions may not overlap'), 352: ('MISSING_FIRM', 'Either the FiPPI or DSP file is missing from a Firmware element'), 353: ('MISSING_POL', 'A polarity value is missing from a Detector element'), 354: ('MISSING_GAIN', 'A gain value is missing from a Detector element'), 355: ('MISSING_INTERFACE', 'The interface this channel requires is missing'), 356: ('MISSING_ADDRESS', 'The epp_address information is missing for this channel'), 357: ('INVALID_NUMCHANS', 'The wrong number of channels are assigned to this module'), 358: ('INCOMPLETE_DEFAULTS', 'Some of the required defaults are missing'), 359: ('BINS_OOR', 'There are too many or too few bins for this module type'), 360: ('MISSING_TYPE', 'The type for the current detector is not specified properly'), 361: ('NO_MMU', 'No MMU defined and/or required for this module'), 362: ('NULL_FIRMWARE', 'No firmware set defined'), 363: ('NO_FDD', 'No FDD defined in the firmware set'), 364: ('WRONG_DET_TYPE', 'The detector type is wrong for the requested operation'), 401: ('NOMEM', 'Unable to allocate memory'), 402: ('XERXES', 'XerXes returned an error'), 403: ('MD', 'MD layer returned an error'), 404: ('EOF', 'EOF encountered'), 405: ('XERXES_NORMAL_RUN_ACTIVE', 'XerXes says a normal run is still active'), 406: ('HARDWARE_RUN_ACTIVE', 'The hardware says a control run is still active'), 501: ('UNKNOWN', None), 507: ('FILE_TYPE', 'Improper file type specified'), 508: ('END', 'There are no more instances of the name specified. Pos set to end'), 509: ('INVALID_STR', 'Invalid string format'), 510: ('UNIMPLEMENTED', 'The routine is unimplemented in this version'), 511: ('PARAM_DEBUG_MISMATCH', 'A parameter mismatch was found with XIA_PARAM_DEBUG enabled.'), 601: ('NOSUPPORT_FIRM', 'The specified firmware is not supported by this board type'), 602: ('UNKNOWN_FIRM', 'The specified firmware type is unknown'), 603: ('NOSUPPORT_VALUE', 'The specified acquisition value is not supported'), 604: ('UNKNOWN_VALUE', 'The specified acquisition value is unknown'), 605: ('PEAKINGTIME_OOR', 'The specified peaking time is out-of-range for this product'), 606: ('NODEFINE_PTRR', 'The specified peaking time does not have a PTRR associated with it'), 607: ('THRESH_OOR', 'The specified treshold is out-of-range'), 608: ('ERROR_CACHE', 'The data in the values cache is out-of-sync'), 609: ('GAIN_OOR', 'The specified gain is out-of-range for this produce'), 610: ('TIMEOUT', 'Timeout waiting for BUSY'), 611: ('BAD_SPECIAL', 'The specified special run is not supported for this module'), 612: ('TRACE_OOR', 'The specified value of tracewait (in ns) is out-of-range'), 613: ('DEFAULTS', 'The PSL layer encountered an error creating a Defaults element'), 614: ('BAD_FILTER', 'Error loading filter info from either a FDD file or the Firmware ' 'configuration'), 615: ('NO_REMOVE', "Specified acquisition value is required for this product and can't be " 'removed'), 616: ('NO_GAIN_FOUND', 'Handel was unable to converge on a stable gain value'), 617: ('UNDEFINED_RUN_TYPE', 'Handel does not recognize this run type'), 618: ('INTERNAL_BUFFER_OVERRUN', 'Handel attempted to overrun an internal buffer boundry'), 619: ('EVENT_BUFFER_OVERRUN', 'Handel attempted to overrun the event buffer boundry'), 620: ('BAD_DATA_LENGTH', 'Handel was asked to set a Data length to zero for readout'), 621: ('NO_LINEAR_FIT', 'Handel was unable to perform a linear fit to some data'), 622: ('MISSING_PTRR', 'Required PTRR is missing'), 623: ('PARSE_DSP', 'Error parsing DSP'), 624: ('UDXPS', None), 625: ('BIN_WIDTH', 'Specified bin width is out-of-range'), 626: ('NO_VGA', "An attempt was made to set the gaindac on a board that doesn't have a " 'VGA'), 627: ('TYPEVAL_OOR', 'Specified detector type value is out-of-range'), 628: ('LOW_LIMIT_OOR', 'Specified low MCA limit is out-of-range'), 629: ('BPB_OOR', 'bytes_per_bin is out-of-range'), 630: ('FIP_OOR', 'Specified FiPPI is out-fo-range'), 631: ('MISSING_PARAM', 'Unable to find DSP parameter in list'), 632: ('OPEN_XW', 'Error opening a handle in the XW library'), 633: ('ADD_XW', 'Error adding to a handle in the XW library'), 634: ('WRITE_XW', 'Error writing out a handle in the XW library'), 635: ('VALUE_VERIFY', 'Returned value inconsistent with sent value'), 636: ('POL_OOR', 'Specifed polarity is out-of-range'), 637: ('SCA_OOR', 'Specified SCA number is out-of-range'), 638: ('BIN_MISMATCH', 'Specified SCA bin is either too high or too low'), 639: ('WIDTH_OOR', 'MCA bin width is out-of-range'), 640: ('UNKNOWN_PRESET', 'Unknown PRESET run type specified'), 641: ('GAIN_TRIM_OOR', 'Gain trim out-of-range'), 642: ('GENSET_MISMATCH', "Returned GENSET doesn't match the set GENSET"), 643: ('NUM_MCA_OOR', 'The specified number of MCA bins is out of range'), 644: ('PEAKINT_OOR', None), 645: ('PEAKSAM_OOR', None), 646: ('MAXWIDTH_OOR', None), 647: ('NULL_TYPE', 'A NULL file type was specified'), 648: ('GAIN_SCALE', 'Gain scale factor is not valid'), 649: ('NULL_INFO', 'The specified info array is NULL'), 650: ('UNKNOWN_PARAM_DATA', 'Unknown parameter data type'), 651: ('MAX_SCAS', 'The specified number of SCAs is more then the maximum allowed'), 652: ('UNKNOWN_BUFFER', 'Requested buffer is unknown'), 653: ('NO_MAPPING', 'Mapping mode is currently not installed/enabled'), 654: ('MAPPING_PT_CTL', 'Wrong mapping point control for operation'), 655: ('UNKNOWN_PT_CTL', 'Unknown mapping point control.'), 656: ('CLOCK_SPEED', 'The hardware is reporting an invalid clock speed.'), 657: ('BAD_DECIMATION', 'Passed in decimation is invalid.'), 658: ('BAD_SYNCH_RUN', 'Specified value for synchronous run is bad.'), 659: ('PRESET_VALUE_OOR', 'Requested preset value is out-of-range.'), 660: ('MEMORY_LENGTH', 'Memory length is invalid.'), 661: ('UNKNOWN_PREAMP_TYPE', 'Preamp type is unknown.'), 662: ('DAC_TARGET_OOR', 'The specified DAC target is out of range.'), 663: ('DAC_TOL_OOR', 'The specified DAC tolerance is out of range.'), 664: ('BAD_TRIGGER', 'Specified trigger setting is invalid.'), 665: ('EVENT_LEN_OOR', 'The specified event length is out of range.'), 666: ('PRE_BUF_LEN_OOR', 'The specified pre-buffer length is out of range.'), 667: ('HV_OOR', 'The specified high voltage value is out of range.'), 668: ('PEAKMODE_OOR', 'The specified peak mode is out of range.'), 669: ('NOSUPPORTED_PREAMP_TYPE', 'The specified preamp type is not supported by current firmware.'), 670: ('ENERGYCOEF_OOR', 'The calculated energy coefficient values are out of range.'), 671: ('VETO_PULSE_STEP', 'The specified step value is too large for the Alpha pulser veto ' 'pulse.'), 672: ('TRIGOUTPUT_OOR', 'The specified trigger signal output is out of range.'), 673: ('LIVEOUTPUT_OOR', 'The specified livetime signal output is out of range.'), 674: ('UNKNOWN_MAPPING', 'Unknown mapping mode value specified.'), 675: ('UNKNOWN_LIST_MODE_VARIANT', 'Illegal list mode variant.'), 676: ('MALFORMED_LENGTH', 'List mode upper length word is malformed.'), 677: ('CLRBUFSIZE_LENGTH', 'Clear Buffer Size length is too large.'), 678: ('BAD_ELECTRODE_SIZE', 'UltraLo electrode size is invalid.'), 679: ('TILT_THRESHOLD_OOR', 'Specified threshold is out-of-range.'), 680: ('USB_BUSY', 'Direct USB command failed due to busy USB.'), 681: ('MALFORMED_MM_RESPONSE', 'UltraLo moisture meter response is malformed.'), 682: ('MALFORMED_MM_STATUS', 'UltraLo moisture meter status is invalid.'), 683: ('MALFORMED_MM_VALUE', 'UltraLo moisture meter value is invalid.'), 684: ('NO_EVENTS', 'No events to retrieve from the event buffer.'), 701: ('XUP_VERSION', 'XUP version is not supported'), 702: ('CHKSUM', 'checksum mismatch in the XUP'), 703: ('BAK_MISSING', 'Requested BAK file cannot be opened'), 704: ('SIZE_MISMATCH', 'Size read from file is incorrect'), 705: ('NO_ACCESS', "Specified access file isn't valid"), 706: ('N_FILTER_BAD', "The number of filter parameters in the FDD doesn't match the number " 'requires for the hardware'), 801: ('UNIT_TEST', None)}
def from_errno(cls, errno):