"""Python interface to handel API."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
import warnings
from functools import reduce
import numpy
from .error import check_error, HandelError
from ._cffi import handel, ffi
from .stats import stats_from_normal_mode
from .parser import parse_xia_ini_file
from .mapping import parse_mapping_buffer
__all__ = ['init', 'init_handel', 'exit',
'get_num_detectors', 'get_detectors',
'start_run', 'stop_run', 'get_channel_realtime',
'get_spectrum_length', 'get_spectrum', 'get_spectrums',
'is_channel_running', 'is_running',
'get_module_statistics', 'get_statistics',
'get_buffer_length', 'get_raw_buffer', 'get_buffer_data',
'is_buffer_full', 'is_buffer_overrun', 'set_buffer_done',
'get_buffer_current_pixel', 'get_current_pixel',
'any_buffer_overrun', 'all_buffer_full', 'set_all_buffer_done',
'get_all_buffer_data', 'synchronized_poll_data',
'get_baseline_length', 'get_baseline',
'load_system', 'save_system', 'start_system',
'enable_log_output', 'disable_log_output',
'set_log_output', 'set_log_level', 'close_log',
'get_num_modules', 'get_modules', 'get_module_from_channel',
'get_module_type', 'get_module_interface',
'get_module_number_of_channels', 'get_module_channel_at',
'get_module_channels', 'get_grouped_channels', 'get_channels',
'get_master_channels', 'get_trigger_channels',
'set_acquisition_value', 'get_acquisition_value',
'remove_acquisition_value', 'apply_acquisition_values',
'get_handel_version', 'get_config_files', 'get_config',
# Helpers
def to_bytes(arg):
if isinstance(arg, bytes):
return arg
return arg.encode()
def to_buffer_id(bid):
bid = to_bytes(bid.lower())
if bid in (b'a', b'b'):
return bid
msg = '{!r} is not a valid buffer id'
raise ValueError(msg.format(bid))
def merge_buffer_data(*data):
if not data:
return {}, {}
# Use first argument as result
result, data = data[0], data[1:]
# Copy other arguments into the result
for sources in data:
for source, dest in zip(sources, result):
for key, dct in source.items():
dest.setdefault(key, {})
return result
# Initializing handel
def init(*path):
filename = to_bytes(os.path.join(*path))
code = handel.xiaInit(filename)
def init_handel():
code = handel.xiaInitHandel()
def exit():
code = handel.xiaExit()
# Detectors
def get_num_detectors():
num = ffi.new('unsigned int *')
code = handel.xiaGetNumDetectors(num)
return num[0]
def get_detectors():
n = get_num_detectors()
arg = [ffi.new('char []', MAX_STRING_LENGTH) for _ in range(n)]
code = handel.xiaGetDetectors(arg)
return tuple(ffi.string(x).decode() for x in arg)
def get_detector_from_channel(channel):
alias = ffi.new('char []', MAX_STRING_LENGTH)
code = handel.xiaDetectorFromDetChan(channel, alias)
return ffi.string(alias).decode()
# Not exposed
# int xiaGetDetectorItem(char *alias, char *name, void *value);
# int xiaGetDetectors_VB(unsigned int index, char *alias);
# Run control
def start_run(channel=None, resume=False):
if channel is None:
channel = -1 # All channels
code = handel.xiaStartRun(channel, resume)
def stop_run(channel=None):
if channel is None:
channel = -1 # All channels
code = handel.xiaStopRun(channel)
def get_channel_realtime(channel):
time = ffi.new('double *')
code = handel.xiaGetRunData(channel, b'realtime', time)
return time[0]
def get_spectrum_length(channel):
length = ffi.new('unsigned long *')
code = handel.xiaGetRunData(channel, b'mca_length', length)
return length[0]
def get_spectrum(channel):
length = get_spectrum_length(channel)
array = numpy.zeros(length, dtype='uint32')
data = ffi.cast('uint32_t *', array.ctypes.data)
code = handel.xiaGetRunData(channel, b'mca', data)
return array
def get_spectrums():
"""Return the spectrums for all enabled channels as a dictionary."""
return {channel: get_spectrum(channel) for channel in get_channels()}
def is_channel_running(channel):
running = ffi.new('short *')
code = handel.xiaGetRunData(channel, b'run_active', running)
# It turns out running contains 2 bits of information
# - bit 0: whether the channel is acquiring
# - bit 1: whether the channel is running (in the start_run/stop_run sense)
# We're interested in the first bit of information here
return bool(running[0] & 0x1)
def is_running():
"""Return True if any channel is running, False otherwise."""
return any(is_channel_running(channel) for channel in get_channels())
# Statistics
def get_module_statistics(module):
channels = get_module_channels(module)
# Prepare buffer
data_size = 9 * len(channels)
master = next(c for c in channels if c >= 0)
array = numpy.zeros(data_size, dtype='double')
data = ffi.cast('double *', array.ctypes.data)
# Run handel call
code = handel.xiaGetRunData(master, b'module_statistics_2', data)
# Parse raw data
return {channel: stats_from_normal_mode(array[index * 9:])
for index, channel in enumerate(channels)
if channel >= 0}
def get_statistics():
"""Return the statistics for all enabled channels as a dictionary."""
result = {}
# We're not using get_master_channels here.
# That's because each FalconX channels is its own master, even though
# the statistics can be accessed with a single call per module.
for module in get_modules():
return result
# Buffer
def get_buffer_length(master):
length = ffi.new('unsigned long *')
code = handel.xiaGetRunData(master, b'buffer_len', length)
return length[0]
def is_buffer_full(master, buffer_id):
bid = to_buffer_id(buffer_id)
command = b'buffer_full_%c' % bid
result = ffi.new('unsigned short *')
code = handel.xiaGetRunData(master, command, result)
return bool(result[0])
def is_buffer_overrun(master):
result = ffi.new('unsigned short *')
code = handel.xiaGetRunData(master, b'buffer_overrun', result)
return bool(result[0])
def get_raw_buffer(master, buffer_id):
bid = to_buffer_id(buffer_id)
command = b'buffer_%c' % bid
length = get_buffer_length(master)
array = numpy.zeros(length * 2, dtype='uint16')
data = ffi.cast('uint32_t *', array.ctypes.data)
code = handel.xiaGetRunData(master, command, data)
# Check magic number
if array[0] == 0:
raise RuntimeError(
"The buffer {} associated with channel {} is empty"
.format(str(buffer_id), master))
# Return array
return array
def get_buffer_data(master, buffer_id):
raw = get_raw_buffer(master, buffer_id)
return parse_mapping_buffer(raw)
def get_buffer_current_pixel(master):
current = ffi.new('unsigned long *')
code = handel.xiaGetRunData(master, b'current_pixel', current)
return current[0]
def set_buffer_done(master, buffer_id):
"""Flag the the buffer as read and return an overrun detection.
False means no overrun have been detected.
True means a possible overrun have been detected.
bid = to_buffer_id(buffer_id)
code = handel.xiaBoardOperation(master, b'buffer_done', bid)
other = b'b' if bid == b'a' else b'a'
return is_buffer_full(master, other) and is_channel_running(master)
# Synchronized run
def set_maximum_pixels_per_buffer():
"""Set the maximum number of pixels per buffer.
It makes sure all the modules are configured with the same value,
in order to be able to perform synchronized run.
set_acquisition_value('num_map_pixels_per_buffer', -1)
value = min(get_acquisition_value('num_map_pixels_per_buffer', master)
for master in get_master_channels())
set_acquisition_value('num_map_pixels_per_buffer', value)
def any_buffer_overrun():
"""Return True if an overrun has been detected by the hardware on any
module, False otherwise.
return any(is_buffer_overrun(master)
for master in get_master_channels())
def all_buffer_full(buffer_id):
"""Return True if all the given buffers are full and ready to be read,
False otherwise.
return all(is_buffer_full(master, buffer_id)
for master in get_master_channels())
def set_all_buffer_done(buffer_id):
"""Flag all the given buffers as read and return an overrun detection.
False means no overrun have been detected.
True means an overrun have been detected.
overruns = [set_buffer_done(master, buffer_id)
for master in get_master_channels()]
return any(overruns)
def get_current_pixel():
"""Get the current pixel reported by the hardware."""
return max(get_buffer_current_pixel(master)
for master in get_master_channels())
def get_all_buffer_data(buffer_id):
"""Get and merge all the buffer data from the different channels.
Return a tuple (spectrums, statistics) where both values are dictionaries
of dictionaries, first indexed by pixel and then by channel."""
data = [get_buffer_data(master, buffer_id)
for master in get_master_channels()]
return merge_buffer_data(*data)
def synchronized_poll_data():
"""Convenient helper for buffer management in mapping mode.
It assumes that all the modules are configured with the same number
of pixels per buffer.
It includes:
- Hardware overrun detection
- Software overrun detection
- Current pixel readout
- Buffer readout and data parsing
- Buffer flaging after readout
If an overrun is detected, a RuntimeError exception is raised.
Return a tuple (current_pixel, spectrums, statistics) where both
the spectrums and statistics values are dictionaries of dictionaries,
first indexed by pixel and then by channel. If there is no data to
report, those values are empty dicts.
data = {'a': None, 'b': None}
overrun_error = RuntimeError('Buffer overrun!')
# Get info from hardware
current_pixel = get_current_pixel()
full = {x for x in data if all_buffer_full(x)}
# Overrun from hardware
if any_buffer_overrun():
raise overrun_error
# Read data from buffers
for x in full:
data[x] = get_all_buffer_data(x)
# Overrun from set_buffer_done
if set_all_buffer_done(x):
raise overrun_error
# Extract data
args = filter(None, data.values())
spectrums, stats = merge_buffer_data(*args)
# Return
return current_pixel, spectrums, stats
# Baseline
def get_baseline_length(channel):
length = ffi.new('unsigned long *')
code = handel.xiaGetRunData(channel, b'baseline_length', length)
return length[0]
def get_baseline(channel):
length = get_baseline_length(channel)
array = numpy.zeros(length, dtype='uint32')
data = ffi.cast('uint32_t *', array.ctypes.data)
code = handel.xiaGetRunData(channel, b'baseline', data)
return array
# Not exposed
# int xiaDoSpecialRun(int detChan, char *name, void *info);
# int xiaGetSpecialRunData(int detChan, char *name, void *value);
# System
def load_system(*path):
filename = to_bytes(os.path.join(*path))
code = handel.xiaLoadSystem(b'handel_ini', filename)
def save_system(*path):
filename = to_bytes(os.path.join(*path))
code = handel.xiaSaveSystem(b'handel_ini', filename)
def start_system():
code = handel.xiaStartSystem()
# Logging
def enable_log_output():
code = handel.xiaEnableLogOutput()
def disable_log_output():
code = handel.xiaSuppressLogOutput()
def set_log_level(level):
code = handel.xiaSetLogLevel(level)
def set_log_output(filename):
filename = to_bytes(filename)
code = handel.xiaSetLogOutput(filename)
def close_log():
code = handel.xiaCloseLog()
# Firmware
# Not exposed
# int xiaGetFirmwareItem(char *alias, unsigned short decimation, char *name, void *value);
# int xiaGetNumFirmwareSets(unsigned int *numFirmware);
# int xiaGetFirmwareSets(char *firmware[]);
# int xiaGetFirmwareSets_VB(unsigned int index, char *alias);
# int xiaGetNumPTRRs(char *alias, unsigned int *numPTRR);
# Module
def get_num_modules():
num_modules = ffi.new('unsigned int *')
code = handel.xiaGetNumModules(num_modules)
return num_modules[0]
def get_modules():
n = get_num_modules()
arg = [ffi.new('char []', MAX_STRING_LENGTH) for _ in range(n)]
code = handel.xiaGetModules(arg)
return tuple(ffi.string(x).decode() for x in arg)
def get_module_from_channel(channel):
alias = ffi.new('char []', MAX_STRING_LENGTH)
code = handel.xiaModuleFromDetChan(channel, alias)
return ffi.string(alias).decode()
def get_module_type(alias=None):
if alias is None:
# Get all the values
values = [get_module_type(alias) for alias in get_modules()]
# Compare the values
value = reduce(lambda c, x: c if c == x else None, values)
# Inconsistency
if value is None:
raise ValueError(
'The module type differs from module to module')
# Return
return value
alias = to_bytes(alias)
value = ffi.new('char []', MAX_STRING_LENGTH)
code = handel.xiaGetModuleItem(alias, b'module_type', value)
return ffi.string(value).decode()
def get_module_interface(alias):
alias = to_bytes(alias)
value = ffi.new('char []', MAX_STRING_LENGTH)
code = handel.xiaGetModuleItem(alias, b'interface', value)
return ffi.string(value).decode()
# Channels
def get_module_number_of_channels(alias):
alias = to_bytes(alias)
value = ffi.new('int *')
code = handel.xiaGetModuleItem(alias, b'number_of_channels', value)
return value[0]
def get_module_channel_at(alias, index):
alias = to_bytes(alias)
value = ffi.new('int *')
key = b'channel%d_alias' % index
code = handel.xiaGetModuleItem(alias, key, value)
return value[0]
def get_module_channels(alias):
"""Return the module channels properly indexed."""
number_of_channels = get_module_number_of_channels(alias)
return tuple(get_module_channel_at(alias, index)
for index in range(number_of_channels))
def get_grouped_channels():
"""Return the indexed channels grouped by modules."""
return tuple(get_module_channels(alias) for alias in get_modules())
def get_channels():
"""Return all the enabled channels."""
return tuple(sorted(
for channels in get_grouped_channels()
for channel in channels
if channel >= 0))
def get_master_channels():
"""Return one active channel for each buffer."""
# For the FalconX, each channel has its own buffer
if get_module_type().startswith(u'falconx'):
return get_channels()
# Otherwise, one channel per module is enough
return tuple(
next(channel for channel in groups if channel >= 0)
for groups in get_grouped_channels())
def get_trigger_channels():
"""Return the list of channels that can be used
as gate master or sync master."""
return tuple(
for groups in get_grouped_channels()
if groups and groups[0] >= 0)
# Not exposed
# int xiaGetModuleItem(char *alias, char *name, void *value);
# int xiaGetModules_VB(unsigned int index, char *alias);
# Parameters
def get_acquisition_value(name, channel=None):
# Get values for all channels
if channel is None:
# Get all the values
values = [get_acquisition_value(name, channel)
for channel in get_channels()]
# Compare the values
value = reduce(lambda c, x: c if c == x else None, values)
# Inconsistency
if value is None:
raise ValueError(
'The acquisition value {} differs from channel to channel'
# Return
return value
# Get value for a single channel
name = to_bytes(name)
pointer = ffi.new('double *')
code = handel.xiaGetAcquisitionValues(channel, name, pointer)
return pointer[0]
def set_acquisition_value(name, value, channel=None):
if channel is None:
channel = -1 # All channels
name = to_bytes(name)
pointer = ffi.new('double *', value)
code = handel.xiaSetAcquisitionValues(channel, name, pointer)
def remove_acquisition_value(name, channel=None):
if channel is None:
channel = -1 # All channels
name = to_bytes(name)
code = handel.xiaRemoveAcquisitionValues(channel, name)
def apply_acquisition_values(channel=None):
# Apply all
if channel is None:
# Only one apply operation by module is required
for master in get_master_channels():
# Apply single
dummy = ffi.new('int *')
code = handel.xiaBoardOperation(channel, b'apply', dummy)
# Not exposed
# int xiaGainOperation(int detChan, char *name, void *value);
# int xiaGainCalibrate(int detChan, double deltaGain);
# int xiaGetParameter(int detChan, const char *name, unsigned short *value);
# int xiaSetParameter(int detChan, const char *name, unsigned short value);
# int xiaGetNumParams(int detChan, unsigned short *numParams);
# int xiaGetParamData(int detChan, char *name, void *value);
# int xiaGetParamName(int detChan, unsigned short index, char *name);
# Operation
# Not exposed
# int xiaBoardOperation(int detChan, char *name, void *value) with mapping_pixel_next (int 0);
# int xiaMemoryOperation(int detChan, char *name, void *value);
# int xiaCommandOperation(int detChan, byte_t cmd, unsigned int lenS, byte_t *send, unsigned int lenR, byte_t *recv);
# Debugging
def get_handel_version():
rel = ffi.new('int *')
min = ffi.new('int *')
maj = ffi.new('int *')
pretty = ffi.new('char *')
handel.xiaGetVersionInfo(rel, min, maj, pretty)
return maj[0], min[0], rel[0]
# Not exposed
# int xiaSetIOPriority(int pri);
# Files
def get_config_files(*path):
"""Return all the ini files in path (including subdirectories)."""
path = os.path.join(*path)
ext = b'.ini' if isinstance(path, bytes) else '.ini'
sep = b'/' if isinstance(path, bytes) else '/'
return [os.path.relpath(os.path.join(dp, f), path).lstrip(sep)
for dp, dn, fn in os.walk(path)
for f in fn
if f.endswith(ext)]
def get_config(*path):
"""Read and return the given config file as a dictionary."""
filename = os.path.join(*path)
with open(filename) as f:
return parse_xia_ini_file(f.read())
# Check version at import time
if get_handel_version() < (1, 2, 19):
The current handel version is older than 1.2.19.
This might cause bugs, especially with the FalconX.
Please consider upgrading to a more recent version.""")