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Standard scans

Bliss provides a wide choice of standard scans for step by step scanning procedures.

scan name number of steps motor axes specifications representation
ct 1 0 time Screenshot
loopscan N 0 time Screenshot
timescan INF 0 time Screenshot
ascan N 1 position, absolute, fixed step size Screenshot
a2scan N 2 position, absolute, fixed step size Screenshot
anscan N n position, absolute, fixed step size
dscan N 1 position, relative, fixed step size
d2scan N 2 position, relative, fixed step size
dnscan N n position, relative, fixed step size
amesh N*M 2 position, absolute, fixed step size Screenshot
dmesh N*M 2 position, relative, fixed step size
pointscan N 1 position, absolute, list of coordinates Screenshot
lookupscan N n position, absolute, list of coordinates

Running a scan

Start a scan (with data saving):

ascan( axis, start, stop, steps, count_time, cnt1, ..., MG1, ..., ctrl1, ...)

The scans accept as arguments a mix of MeasurementGroups, Controllers and Counters. If not provided, the default measurement group is used.

Create then start (with data saving):

s = ascan( axis, start, stop, steps, count_time, cnt1,  run=False)

Scan without data saving

ascan( axis, start, stop, steps, count_time, cnt1, save=False)


By default, for all standard scans run=True and save=True except for ct() which doesn’t have a save option. If save=False, the data is generated and published to redis but not saved to file.


Scans that run with the option save=False will not have a scan number that is visible to the user. This is to ensure consecutive scan numbers in the final data file.


  • Scan with one axis and the default measurement (with data saving)

    ascan( roby, 0, 10, 10, 0.1)

  • Scan with a given measurement group (without data saving)

    ascan( roby, 0, 10, 10, 0.1, MG2, save=False)

  • Scan with all counters of a counter controller

    ascan( roby, 0, 10, 10, 0.1, lima1)

  • Scan with a measurement group + all counters of a counter controller + 2 other counters

ascan( roby, 0, 10, 10, 0.1, MG1, lima1, diode4, diode5)

Scanning and monitoring data

The data produced by a scan are printed in a separated window which can be display by pressing F5.

Scan 28 Wed Feb 19 14:29:51 2020  test_session user = pguillou
ascan roby 0 10 10 0.1

 #       dt[s]   roby     diode    diode2    diode3   diode5
 0           0      0    -18.25    -1.625        -6        5
 1    0.233016      1    -10.25      8.25    -8.125        5
 2    0.475228      2      19.5    -4.125   -10.875        5
 3    0.705884      3  0.571429   14.1429  -4.42857        5
 4      0.9408      4        10       -21     0.625        5
 5      1.1806      5        16      6.75     1.125        5
 6     1.42225      6     15.75    24.125         3        5
 7     1.66196      7     -1.75    -10.75    37.125        5
 8     1.90008      8   -36.625      12.5   -13.375        5
 9     2.13927      9      13.5    -19.25    -7.375        5
10     2.36863     10    17.625      2.25   -32.875        5

Took 0:00:03.030388

Scanning, acquisition chain and data production

During the scan creation, all counters passed as argument are introspected in order to build the acquisition chain.

The acquisition chain is a tree that reflects the hierarchy between the different involved objects.

The root of the tree is the top master. The top master will produce the triggers and propagate them along the branches of the tree. All tree nodes with associated counters will start data acqusition in parallel while receiving the trigger from their parent nodes.

IN  [65]: s=ascan(roby,0,10,10,0.1,MG1,diode5, save=False)
IN  [66]: print(s.acq_chain._tree)
acquisition chain
└── axis
    └── timer
        ├── simulation_diode_sampling_controller
        ├── simulation_diode_sampling_controller
        └── simulation_diode_sampling_controller