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Linked Yaml config file with settings

The behavior of object parameters used in BLISS is a subtle entanglement of configuration (YAML file), in-memory configuration and settings (Redis database).

The BeaconObject helper aims to standardize and to simplify parameter management in BLISS objects usage.


This mechanism is based on the bliss.config.beacon_object.BeaconObject class.

A new BLISS object must inherit the BeaconObject class and have a beacon configuration node passed as first argument.

class SimpleAxis(BeaconObject):
    def __init__(self, name, config):

Inheriting of BeaconObject class, adds to the object instantiating this class:

  • .config property:
    • it returns the in-memory configuration
    • it’s a ConfigNode object that depict YAML configuration at last reload (or session restart)
    • it is updated only on a session start or when calling .apply_config(reload=True)
DEMO [8]: type (controller_setting1.config)
 Out [8]: <class 'bliss.config.static.ConfigNode'>

DEMO [9]: controller_setting1.config
 Out [9]: filename:<demo/hack/simple_axis.yml>,plugin:'bliss',
          {'name': 'controller_setting1', 'close_loop': True,
           'velocity': 1.1, 'settling_window': 25, 'encoder_divider': 100}
  • .settings property:
    • it returns a HashObjSetting containing the settings values.
    • at first use, initializes all parameters by calling all the .setter methods decorated by
DEMO [5]: controller_setting1.settings
 Out [5]: <HashObjSetting name=controller_setting1:settings value={
              'close_loop': True, 'encoder_divider': 100,
              'encoder_output_enable': True, 'velocity': 1.1,
              'settling_window': 25}>
  • .apply_config(reload=False) method:
    • it applies in-memory configuration parameters to the controllers and updates settings.
    • if <reload> is set to True, configuration is re-read from YAML file.

It also ensures at initialization that all defined settings parameters are applied to the controller.

A parameter must be defined as a property using the decorator.

def close_loop(self):
    return self.controller.is_close_loop_on()

def close_loop(self, on_off):

On the first initialization, values defined in in-memory configuration will be used to initialize the controller and, in case of success, will be used to create settings.

Behavior of the parameters can be constrained by passing some of the following arguments to the decorator:

  • must_be_in_config (Boolean): makes parameter mandatory in config
  • default: default value to use if parameter is not defined in config
  • only_in_config (Boolean): parameter must be defined in the static configuration and cannot be changed
  • priority (int): sets order of initialization.
    • the higher the number is, the lower the priority is.

Note: config is at the same level than object

The config must be at the same level than the object. This implies the need to deal with more than one BeaconObject in case of hierarchical configuration.


lazy_init : the lazy_init decorator will ensure that ALL settings are set (ie all .setter methods will be called) before the execution of the decorated method.


In case or mis-usage of a parameter, a RuntimeError exception is raised when any of the parameters is used.

Reload of the configuration

  • apply_config():

    • applies current in-memory configuration parameters to the controller (by calling all .setters methods)
    • sets settings to parameters values if success
  • apply_config(reload=True):

    • reloads parameters from YAML file to in-memory configuration
    • applies current in-memory configuration parameters to the controller (by calling all .setters methods)
    • sets settings to parameters values if success

A name in configuration file is mandatory to be able to retrieve the corresponding node and then to reload properly the configuration.


from bliss.config.beacon_object import BeaconObject

# ctrl() depicts interactions with an typical hardware.
class ctrl():
    def __init__(self):

    def read_velocity(self):
        return self._velo

    def set_velocity(self, new_velocity):
        print("new_velocity=", new_velocity)
        self._velo = new_velocity

    def is_close_loop_on(self):
        return self._cl

    def activate_close_loop(self, onoff):
        self._cl = onoff
        print("closed loop is", onoff)

    def get_settling_window(self):
        return self._sw

    def set_settling_window(self, new_sw):
        self._sw = new_sw
        print("set_settling_window to", new_sw)

    def set_encoder_output_enable(self, onoff):
        print("encoder_output_enable=", onoff)

    def set_encoder_divider(self, ed_value):
        self._ed = ed_value
        print("encoder divider set to", self._ed)

    def get_encoder_divider(self):
        return self._ed

    def move(self, target):
        print("moving to ", target)

class SimpleAxis(BeaconObject):
    def __init__(self, name, config):
        BeaconObject.__init__(self, config)

        self.controller = ctrl()
    def velocity(self):
        return self.controller.read_velocity()

    def velocity(self, new_velocity):
    def close_loop(self):
        return self.controller.is_close_loop_on()

    def close_loop(self, on_off):
        self.controller.activate_close_loop(on_off), only_in_config=True)
    def settling_window(self):
        return self.controller.get_settling_window()

    def settling_window(self, value):
        self.controller.set_settling_window(value), default=True)
    def encoder_output_enable(self):
        return self.controller.get_encoder_output_enable()

    def encoder_output_enable(self, value):
    def encoder_divider(self):
        return self.controller.get_encoder_divider()

    def encoder_divider(self,value):

    def move(self, to_position):

This example uses all the features provided by BeaconObject class.

  • velocity with the must_be_in_config argument set to True, it will checked that velocity is defined in the static configuration.

  • close_loop the default value will be use if close_loop is not defined in the static configuration.

  • settling_window as it only_in_config, this parameter must be defined in the static configuration and cannot be changed. The setter property will only be used at init. The getter always read the controller.

  • encoder_output_enable here we set the initialization priority order. properties with lower priority are called before than high priority during the initialization phase.

  • encoder_divider if not defined in the static configuration, this parameters will be read from the controller at the first init or when the apply_config() method will be called.

  • before calling the move() method, it is checked that the controller is initialized with the settings parameters.

Behavior of BeaconObject

- class: SimpleAxis
  plugin: bliss
    - name: controller_setting1   # all parameters are valid and defined
      close_loop: True
      velocity: 1.1
      settling_window: 25
      encoder_divider: 100

    - name: controller_setting2  # test must_be_in_config
      # 'velocity' and 'settling_window' are not defined
      mode: fixed
      reading_speed: slow  # unkown parameter
      close_loop: True

    - name: controller_setting3  # test default (421 for 'encoder_divider')
      close_loop: True
      velocity: 1.1
      settling_window: 25

With the previous controller and this configuration, the usage of objects will produce the following behavior:

Settings are initialized:

  • at first use of settings property.
  • at first call to a method decorated by @BeaconObject.lazy_init


This initialization can occur in the completion process as it access properties.

# session just restarted
DEMO [1]: pprint.pprint(controller_setting1.settings.get_all())
new_velocity= 1.1
closed loop is True
encoder divider set to 100
encoder_output_enable= True   <----- Priority = 1
set_settling_window to 25     <----- Priority = 2
{'close_loop': True,
 'encoder_divider': 100,
 'encoder_output_enable': True,
 'settling_window': 25,
 'velocity': 1.1}

DEMO [2]: pprint.pprint(controller_setting1.settings.get_all())
{'close_loop': True,
 'encoder_divider': 100,
 'encoder_output_enable': True,
 'settling_window': 25,
 'velocity': 1.1}
# session just restarted
DEMO [1]: controller_setting3.move(4)
new_velocity= 1.1
closed loop is True
encoder divider set to 421
encoder_output_enable= True
set_settling_window to 25


encoder_output_enable (priority 1) is set before set_settling_window (priority 2) that has a higher priority number (ie: lower priority)


  • must_be_in_config: settling_window, velocity are not defined in config of controller_setting2.
DEMO [1]: pprint.pprint(controller_setting2.settings.get_all())
RuntimeError: For device controller_setting2
              configuration must contains {'settling_window', 'velocity'}
  • default: Default value of ‘encoder_divider’ is 421 and it is not defined in config.
# session just restarted
DEMO [1]: pprint.pprint(controller_setting3.settings.get_all())
new_velocity= 1.1
closed loop is True
encoder divider set to 421
encoder_output_enable= True
set_settling_window to 25
{'close_loop': True,
 'encoder_divider': 421,
 'encoder_output_enable': True,
 'settling_window': 25,
 'velocity': 1.1}
  • only_in_config: settling_window must not be changed.
DEMO [2]: controller_setting3.settling_window
 Out [2]: 25

DEMO [3]: controller_setting3.settling_window = 44
RuntimeError: parameter settling_window is read only
DEMO [4]: controller_setting3.reading_speed
AttributeError: 'SimpleAxis' object has no attribute 'reading_speed'

BeaconObject without hardware

The BeaconObject can also be used to provide some configuration that can either be in the static config (yml) or in redis. It can be used like this:

class MyParamObject(BeaconObject):
    speed = BeaconObject.property_setting("speed", default=0)

    def speed(self, value):
        return value
with the corresponding config

- ctrl: hello2
  name: hello_ctrl
    speed: 10

that can be used e.g. inside a controller

    # config that would be passed to __init__
    # of the contoller
    cfg = config.get("hello_ctrl")  

    #initalize a BeaconObject
    params = MyParamObject(cfg, path=["something"], share_hardware=False)

now speed can be accessed via params.speed. if path is provied it is used as offset in the yaml config.


the property_setting takes values availabe in redis with highest priority, after that there is also static config (yaml) and the possibiltiy to provide a default value. If a custom setter is provided it has to return the value that is supposed to be kept in the settings.


Like BeaconObject.property_setting but intended to be used to keep references to config objects ($ references in yaml). Here is an example

- ctrl: hello3
  name: hello_ctrl3
  axis: $roby
class Ctrl14(BeaconObject):
    axis = BeaconObject.config_obj_property_setting("axis")

the beacon server resolves the $ reference and the corresponding object will be returned. The config_obj_property_setting extends this behaviour to be able to keep these references also in a setting. Also here it is possible to write custom setter which has to return a valid object (that exists in the beacon configuration).

    def axis(self, new_axis):
        # e.g. do some checks or initialization here
        return new_axis