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Alignment functions

This chapter introduces functions usually used for alignment.

Those functions use the selected counter data (plotselect) of the last scan (SCANS[-1]) for calculation.

In case of multi counters, it is possible to specify the counter to use for the alignment as parameters. i.e:


In case of multi motors (anscan), all these functions can use a specific axis either for the calculation or the movement (goto_ functions).


If the axis is not specified, cen, com, peak, trough functions will return value for all axes and the goto_ functions will move all motors.

Counters selection

The counter selection can be done graphically with Flint or with the plotselect user function: plotselect(<counter_list>)


DEMO [2]: plotselect(sim_ct_2)

Currently plotted counter(s):
- sim_ct_2

Without argument, the command will display a help message and the list of currently selected counters.


DEMO [5]: plotselect()

plotselect usage:
    plotselect(counter1, counter2)

Currently plotted counter(s):
- sim_ct_1
- sim_ct_calib_gauss
- elapsed_time

For Developers

plotselect() user function is imported from bliss.common.standard and is built on top of bliss.common.scans.plotselect() which can be advantageously used in non interactive sequences.

The list of selected counters is stored via a HashSetting using <session_name>:plot_select as key.


This function returns th Full Width at Half of the Maximum of data of last scan.

size = fwhm()


This function returns the motor position corresponding to the center of the fwhm of the last scan.

fwhm_center = cen()


This function returns the motor position of the center of mass.

center_of_mass_pos = com()


This function returns the motor position at the counter maximum value.

max_pos = peak()


This function returns the motor position at the counter minimum value.

min_pos = trough()

goto_ functions

  • all the previous functions have a corresponding goto_XXX() function to go directly to the calculated position:
    • goto_cen()
    • goto_com()
    • goto_peak()
    • goto_min()
  • Before the movement, the goto_XXX functions will print the previous position and the future position of the motor with a WARNING message.
  • In case of motion abortion, the motor returns to its previous position.
  • At the end of the function the motor position will be displayed in Flint unless the variable SCAN_DISPLAY.motor_position is equal to False. i.e: goto_cen will move the motor to the center of fwhm.


DEMO [11]: plotselect(simct1)

DEMO [12]: goto_cen()
WARNING  bliss.scans: Motor mm1 will move from 10.000000 to 4.337243

DEMO [13]: goto_peak()
WARNING  bliss.scans: Motor mm1 will move from 4.337243 to 10.000000

DEMO [14]: goto_com()
WARNING  bliss.scans: Motor mm1 will move from 10.000000 to 4.805529

DEMO [15]: goto_min()
WARNING  bliss.scans: Motor mm1 will move from 4.805529 to 0.000000


To display current position of the motor used in the last scan use:



A goto_click function is provided to move a displayed motor at a desired position. It is based on a click on a Flint plot.

This can work for both default curve and scatter plots. By default the targetted plot is automatically selected based on the last scan. But this behavior can be enforced with function arguments.

DEMO [1]: ascan(sx, 0, 1, 10, 0.1, diode1)

DEMO [2]: goto_click()
Moving sx from 1.0000 to 0.3001
DEMO [3]: amesh(sx, 0, 1, 5, sy, 1, 2, 3, 0.1, diode1)

DEMO [4]: goto_click()
Moving sx from 1.0000 to 0.3690
Moving sy from 2.0000 to 1.6779

Customizable alignment functions: find_position and goto_custom

In case specific math is needed to treat a special signal form it is possible to use any python function that calculates an x-position based on an x- and y-array.

DEMO [11]: def special_com(x, y):
            return numpy.average(x, weights=y)

DEMO [12]: print(find_position(special_com))
DEMO [13]: goto_custom(special_com)

The math function and specific helpers can also be defined in the setup script of the session. Here is an example for the setup script so that find_special and goto_special will be available in the shell afterwards and can be used without arguments.

import numpy
from import goto_custom,find_position

def special_com(x, y):
    return numpy.average(x, weights=y)

def find_special():
    return find_position(special_com)

def goto_special():
    return goto_custom(special_com)

Use of alignment helpers on a specific scan

Alignment helpers can also be used on any scan object (not necessarily the last scan that was done). In this case there is no interaction with flint and plotselect is not used to avoid confusion. Here is an example:

TEST_SESSION [1]: s1 = ascan(roby,0,1,20,.1,diode)
TEST_SESSION [2]: s2 = ascan(robz,2,3,20,.1,diode2)
TEST_SESSION [3]: s1.cen(diode)
         Out [3]: 0.46723394864708406
TEST_SESSION [4]: s1.goto_cen(diode)

For scans that involve multiple axes it is also possible to operate only on one specific axis and not on all axes that are involved in the scan:

TEST_SESSION [4]: s = a2scan(roby,0,1,robz,2,3,20,.1,sim_ct_gauss)
TEST_SESSION [5]: s.cen(sim_ct_gauss)
         Out [5]: {roby: 0.5, robz: 2.5}

TEST_SESSION [6]: s.cen(sim_ct_gauss,axis=robz)
         Out [6]: 2.5

TEST_SESSION [7]: s.goto_cen(sim_ct_gauss,axis=robz)
Moving robz from 3 to 2.5