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Data persistency in BLISS

The in-memory data structure store REDIS is used for data in BLISS that requires a persistent representation. REDIS is a key-value pair storage where the keys are strings and the values can have types. The most common types used in BLISS are:

  • STRING: Binary data (bytes in python). This is mostly used for strings and scalar numbers.
  • LIST: Ordered, position-indexed, mutable list of STRING values (list of bytes in python)
  • SET: Unordered, mutable set (no duplicates) of STRING values (set of bytes in python)
  • ZSET: Ordered, mutable set (no duplicates) of STRING values (no native type in python)
  • HASH: Mutable mapping of STRING to STRING (dict of bytes to bytes in python)
  • STREAM: Append-only, indexed list of STRING values called events. The stream index or event ID of an event consists of two integers. By default the first integer is the time of publication (milliseconds since epoch) and the second integer is a sequence number (to handle events with the same rounded time since epoch). A STREAM can have a maximal length which makes it a ring buffer.

Single-key REDIS representation

These data types in BLISS have a persistent representation in REDIS with one key-value pair:

  • SimpleSetting: STRING representation of simple types str, bytes, int and float
  • SimpleObjSetting: STRING representation of any pickleable type
  • QueueSetting: LIST representation of a list of simple values
  • QueueObjSetting: LIST representation of a list of pickleable values
  • HashSetting: HASH representation of a dict with simple keys and simple values
  • Struct: same as HashSetting (exposes keys as attributes)
  • HashObjSetting: HASH representation of a dict with simple keys and pickleable values
  • OrderedHashSetting: ordered version of HashSetting
  • OrderedHashObjSetting: ordered version of HashObjSetting
  • DataStream: STREAM representation of a list of StreamEvent objects which handle encoding/decoding to/from STRING.

Multi-key REDIS representation

These data types in BLISS have a persistent representation in REDIS with more than one key-value pair.

  • ParameterWardrobe:
    • db_name (QueueSetting): list of instance names
    • db_name:creation_order: type ZSET in REDIS but no BLISS type
    • db_name:default (OrderedHashSetting): parameters of the default instance
    • db_name:instance2 (OrderedHashSetting): parameters of the default instance2
    • db_name:instance3 (OrderedHashSetting): parameters of the default instance3
  • DataNode:
    • db_name (Struct): name, db_name, node_type, parent
    • db_name_info (HashObjSetting): dictionary of pickleable data
  • DataNodeContainer(DataNode):
    • db_name (Struct): see DataNode
    • db_name_info (HashObjSetting): see DataNode
    • db_name_children_list (DataStream):
      • event ID: publication time
      • event: db_name of another DataNode
  • ProposalNode(DataNodeContainer):
    • db_name (Struct): see DataNodeContainer
    • db_name_info (HashObjSetting): see DataNodeContainer
  • DatasetCollectionNode(DataNodeContainer):
    • db_name (Struct): see DataNodeContainer
    • db_name_info (HashObjSetting): see DataNodeContainer
  • DatasetNode(DataNodeContainer):
    • db_name (Struct): see DataNodeContainer
    • db_name_info (HashObjSetting): see DataNodeContainer
  • ScanNode(DataNodeContainer):
    • db_name (Struct): see DataNodeContainer
    • db_name_info (HashObjSetting): see DataNodeContainer
    • db_name_children_list (DataStream): see DataNodeContainer
    • db_name_data (DataStream): empty or one event
      • event ID: publication time
      • event: END event
  • GroupScanNode(ScanNode):
    • db_name (Struct): see ScanNode
    • db_name_info (HashObjSetting): see ScanNode
    • db_name_children_list (DataStream): see ScanNode
    • db_name_data (DataStream): see ScanNode
  • ChannelDataNode(DataNode):
    • db_name (Struct): see DataNode
    • db_name_info (HashObjSetting): see DataNode
    • db_name_data (DataStream): maximal 2048 events
      • event ID: scan index of the first value in the event
      • event: one or more 0D or 1D array’s, each corresponding to one point in a scan
  • LimaChannelDataNode(DataNode):
    • db_name (Struct): see DataNode
    • db_name_info (HashObjSetting): see DataNode
    • db_name_data (DataStream): maximal 2048 events
      • event ID: event index starting from zero (doesn’t mean anything)
      • event: lima status dictionary
    • db_name_ref (QueueObjSetting): empty or one lima status dictionary

redis_inheritence_1 redis_ontology_1

Scan data

Scan data generated by BLISS is saved in REDIS as a tree structure to reflect hierarchical dependency of the data (session, proposal, dataset, scan, controller, sub-controller, …). As REDIS has a flat key-value structure, the hierarchy is represented in the key names. The node “rootnode:node1:node2” is the direct child of node “rootnode:node1”. It’s name is “node2” and its db_name is “rootnode:node1:node2”.

For example the following loopscan in the demo session

DEMO [1]: loopscan(10, 0.1, diode1, diffcam)

creates these keys in REDIS

# DataNodeContainer:
db_name = "demo_session"
db_name = "demo_session:tmp"
db_name = "demo_session:tmp:scans"
db_name = "demo_session:tmp:scans:inhouse"
# ProposalNode:
db_name = "demo_session:tmp:scans:inhouse:id002102"
# DatasetCollectionNode:
db_name = "demo_session:tmp:scans:inhouse:id002102:sample"
# DatasetNode:
db_name = "demo_session:tmp:scans:inhouse:id002102:sample:sample_0003"
# ScanNode:
db_name = "demo_session:tmp:scans:inhouse:id002102:sample:sample_0003:1_loopscan"
# DataNodeContainer:
db_name = "demo_session:tmp:scans:inhouse:id002102:sample:sample_0003:1_loopscan:timer"
db_name = "demo_session:tmp:scans:inhouse:id002102:sample:sample_0003:1_loopscan:timer:simulation_diode_sampling_controller"
db_name = "demo_session:tmp:scans:inhouse:id002102:sample:sample_0003:1_loopscan:timer:diffcam"
# ChannelDataNode:
db_name = "demo_session:tmp:scans:inhouse:id002102:sample:sample_0003:1_loopscan:timer:epoch"
db_name = "demo_session:tmp:scans:inhouse:id002102:sample:sample_0003:1_loopscan:timer:elapsed_time"
db_name = "demo_session:tmp:scans:inhouse:id002102:sample:sample_0003:1_loopscan:timer:simulation_diode_sampling_controller:diode1"
# LimaChannelDataNode:
db_name = "demo_session:tmp:scans:inhouse:id002102:sample:sample_0003:1_loopscan:timer:diffcam:image"

Scan data publishing

Data is published in REDIS in the following order:

  1. Call
  2. The parent nodes above the ScanNode are created one-by-one, starting from the top-level node which represents the BLISS session. Most of the time these nodes already have a representation in REDIS. Creating each node in REDIS is done by
  3. create all REDIS keys associated to the node
  4. add the node’s db_name to the db_name_children_list DataStream of the parent node
  5. Prepare the scan metadata dictionary scan_info
  6. The ScanNode is created. The scan node and its children won’t already exist in REDIS. Their keys are unique for the scan. Creating the scan node is done by
  7. create the REDIS keys associated to the scan node
  8. publish the scan metadata dictionary scan_info in the scan node’s db_name_info key (HashObjSetting).
  9. add the scan node’s db_name to the db_name_children_list DataStream of the parent node
  10. Create all nodes below the scan node:
  11. Create all REDIS keys associated to the nodes below the scan node.
  12. Add a child db_name to the db_name*_children_list DataStream of its parent. This is done in stages to ensure a parent’s *db_name is added before that of any of its children. For example
    Add ...:4_loopscan:timer to ...:4_loopscan_children_list
    Add ...:4_loopscan:timer:elapsed_time to ...:4_loopscan:timer_children_list
    Add ...:4_loopscan:timer:epoch to ...:4_loopscan:timer_children_list
    Add ...:4_loopscan:timer:diffcam to ...:4_loopscan:timer_children_list
    Add ...:4_loopscan:timer:simulation_diode_sampling_controller to ...:4_loopscan:timer_children_list
    Add ...:4_loopscan:timer:diffcam:image to ...:4_loopscan:timer:diffcam_children_list
    Add ...:4_loopscan:timer:simulation_diode_sampling_controller:diode1 to ...:4_loopscan:timer:simulation_diode_sampling_controller_children_list
  13. Publish the metadata of each node in their db_name_info key (HashObjSetting).
  14. The scan starts.
  15. Scan data is being published to the db_name_info keys (DataStream) of the channel and lima nodes.
  16. The scan has finishes or is interrupted.
  17. Update the metadata of each node in their db_name_info key (HashObjSetting).
  18. Update the scan metadata dictionary scan_info in the scan node’s db_name_info key (HashObjSetting).
  19. Publish the end time in the scan node’s db_name_info key (HashObjSetting).
  20. Add the EndScanEvent to the db_name_data stream of the scan node
  21. Set the time-to-live of the scan node and its children to 24 hours.
  22. Return


Scan data subscribing

Fetching scan data of a finished or ongoing scan starts by instantiating a DataNode (or any of its derived classes) and calling walk_events or walk_on_new_events. These generators will yield three types of events (

  1. NEW_NODE: a new node is publish in the scan data tree
  2. NEW_DATA: new data is published in the data stream of a channel or lima node
  3. END_SCAN: an end-scan event is published in the data stream of a scan node

There is also walk and walk_from_last which do not yield events but DataNode instances.

When walking a DataNode to receive its events and the events of its children, we need to subscribe to the data streams from which these events are derived:

  1. the NEW_NODE events are derived from the events in the db_name_children_list streams of DataNodeContainer
  2. the NEW_DATA events are derived from the events in the db_name_data streams of ChannelDataNode and LimaChannelDataNode
  3. the END_SCAN events are derived frm the events in the db_name_data streams of ScanNode

It is ensured that:

  1. a NEW_NODE event arrives before any NEW_DATA of that node or any event of the node’s children
  2. an END_SCAN event arrives after all NEW_NODE and NEW_DATA events associated to that scan

Subscribing to data streams

Subscribing to a data stream means adding the db_name of the DataStream to a data stream reader together with a starting stream ID from which we want to start reading the stream events (see bliss.config.streaming.DataStreamReader). The DataStreamReader object reads events from a list of data streams and adds those events to a queue in memory. This can be done in monitoring mode (it only stops reading the streams when we tell it to stop) or in fetch mode (gets all available events and stops). All this happens in a separate greenlet which runs in the backround.

Walking a scan data tree

Walking a node is done as follows

  1. Call DataNode.walk_on_new_events
  2. Instantiate a DataStreamReader with a DataStreamReaderStopHandler or with wait=False (monitoring vs. fetching mode)
  3. When the node is a DataContainerNode, subscribe to the db_name_children_list stream
  4. When the node is a DataContainerNode, search+subscribe to all existing db_name_data and db_name_children_list streams. Filters are applied to exclude unwanted streams (see below).
  5. When the node is a ChannelDataNode, LimaChannelDataNode or ScanNode subscribe to the db_name_data stream.
  6. Set the started_event
  7. Iterate over the event queue of the DataStreamReader object (yield a list of stream events for one particular stream):
    1. Stream events from a db_name_children_list stream:
      1. Decode/merge events
      2. For each event:
        1. When the associated node is a DataContainerNode, search+subscribe to all existing db_name_data and db_name_children_list streams. Filters are applied to exclude unwanted streams (see below).
        2. Yield a NEW_NODE event
    2. Stream events from a db_name_data stream:
      1. Decode/merge events
      2. Yield a NEW_DATA (ChannelDataNode and LimaChannelDataNode) or END_SCAN event (ScanNode).
      3. When the associated node is a ScanNode, remove all streams of the scan node and its children from the DataStreamReader.
  8. External call to the DataStreamReaderStopHandler (monitoring mode) or the event queue is empty (fetching mode)
  9. Stop the DataStreamReader
  10. Return DataNode.walk_on_new_events

Stream searching and subscribing is a costly operation for the REDIS server. The walk methods have following filter arguments to reduce the cost:

  • include_filter: only events from these nodes are returned (db_name_data streams are not subscribed to but db_name_children_list streams are subscribed to)
  • exclude_children: no events will be returned from the children of these nodes (non of the streams of the children are subscribed to)
  • exclude_existing_children: same as exclude_children but only applies to initial stream search+subscription (step 3). Defaults to exclude_children when not provided.