Lakeshore with regulation plugin:¶
Models (used at ESRF and for which a BLISS controller exists) have the following possible interfaces:
- model 331 can use RS232.
- model 332 can use GPIB or RS232.
- model 335 can use GPIB or USB.
- model 336 can use GPIB or Ethernet.
- model 340 can use GPIB (or RS232 with RJ11 connector).
See Regulation framework configuration for Regulation parameters configuration.
Lakeshore specific parameters:
: value defined to tame communication flow. it must be set according to user needs and hardware capabilities. default value is20
yml configuration example¶
Lakeshore 336, acessible via GPIB, USB or Ethernet
- class: LakeShore336
module: temperature.lakeshore.lakeshore336
plugin: regulation
name: lakeshore336
comm_max_frequency: 50 # 20 by default if not defined
url: enet://
pad: 9
eol: "\r\n" # ! the usual EOL but could have been modified
through the hardware interface
url: ser2net://lid1421:28000/dev/ttyUSB0
baudrate: 57600 # = the only possible value
- name: ls336_A
channel: A
# possible set-point units: Kelvin, Celsius, Sensor_unit
unit: Kelvin
#tango_server: ls_336
- name: ls336_A_c # input temperature in Celsius
channel: A
unit: Celsius
- name: ls336_A_su # in sensor units (Ohm or Volt)
channel: A
unit: Sensor_unit
- name: ls336_B
channel: B
# possible set-point units: Kelvin, Celsius, Sensor_unit
unit: Kelvin
#tango_server: ls_336
- name: ls336_B_c # input temperature in Celsius
channel: B
unit: Celsius
- name: ls336_B_su # in sensor units (Ohm or Volt)
channel: B
unit: Sensor_unit
# can add also input channels C and D
- name: ls336o_1
channel: 1
unit: Kelvin
- name: ls336o_2
channel: 2
- name: ls336l_1
input: $ls336_A
output: $ls336o_1
channel: 1
- name: ls336l_2
input: $ls336_B
output: $ls336o_2
channel: 2
# can add also output channels 3 and 4
For models 331, 332 and 340, a serial line can be use to communicate:
url: ser2net://lid102:28000/dev/ttyR1
baudrate: 9600
eol: "\r\n" # the usual EOL but could have been modified through the hardware interface
# if not specified, serial default is \n.
Valid Serial Line baudrate values depend on model: * for 331: 300, 1200, 9600 * for 332: 300, 1200, 9600 * for 340: 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 (! RJ11 connector)
The standard EOL used by the Lakeshore controllers is \r\n
. However
this could have been modified throught the controller’s hardware interface.