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Keithley 428 configuration

Keithley 428 is a amplificator that converts fast, small currents to a voltage, which can be easily digitized or displayed by an oscilloscope, waveform analyzer, or data acquisition system.

It cannot measure a current, just change the gain of the amplifier which can be read via a V2F and a P201.

Yaml sample configuration

- class: keithley428
  plugin: bliss
  name: k_diode1
     url: enet://gpibid42
     pad: 22


  • Read-Write attributes:
    • filter_rise_time:
    • gain:
    • voltage_bias: Voltage Bias (-5V ; +5V)
    • current_suppress: Current suppress

*Read Only attributes: - state: - overloaded: - filter_state: - zero_check:

Shell info example:

DEMO [1]: k1
 Out [1]: KEITHLEY K428
              GPIB type=ENET url='enet://'
               primary address='11' secondary address='0' tmo='13' timeout(s)='0.5' eol=''
          gain: (3, '1E03V/A')
          filter_rise_time: (0, '10usec')
          voltage_bias: 0.0
          state: K428 - Display:Normal - VBias:off - Zcheck:on - gain:1e03 - rise time:10usec
          overloaded: False
          filter state: Off
          auto_filter_state: On
          zero_check: On