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tab3 3-legs tables is a re-implementation of SPEC tab3.mac/tab3_mh.mac macros set.

Many geometries are pre-defined:

0 - standard

1 - side front leg

2 - ID22 mirror

3 - ID21 mirror

4 - ID20

5 - ID29 mirror

6 - ID30

7 - ???

8 - ID21 KB/ZPZ support

  • l1 and l2 are the 2 back legs. lf is the front leg
  • the angle between (l1-l2) and (l1-lf) is orthogonal
  • B is the mildle of (l1-l2)
  • C is the middle of (l1-lf)
  • YTilt rotation axis pass by B and is parallel to (l1-lf)
  • XTilt rotation axis paas by C and is parallel to (l1-l2)
  • Height is defined by the intersection of the 2 rotation axes

Configuration example:

  class: tab3
  d1: 150
  d2: 130
  d3: 65
  d4: 75
  geometry: 8
          name: $zpz1
          tags: real back1
          name: $zpz3
          tags: real back2
          name: $zpz2
          tags: real front
          name: zpz
          tags: z
          low_limit:  5.0
          high_limit: 9.0
          unit: mm
          name: zprx
          tags: xtilt
          low_limit: -2.0
          high_limit: 2.0
          unit: mrad
          name: zpry
          tags: ytilt
          low_limit: -5.0
          high_limit: 0.2
          unit: mrad