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BLISS shell standard functions

Standard shell functions are automatically accessible in shell of any BLISS session.



  • move([<motor>, <position>]+) or mv([<motor>, <position>]+): moves one or many motors to given position(s).
DEMO [10]: mv(simot1, 2)
DEMO [11]: mv(simot1, 3, spec_m3, 5)

NB: move() can take wait=False argument to be non-bloquant.

mvd (dial move)

  • mvd([<motor>, <position>]+): moves motor(s) to given dial position(s).
DEMO [12]: mvd(simot1, 2, spec_m3, 4)

umv (updated move)

  • umv([<motor>, <position>]+): same than move([<motor>, <position>]+) but shows continuously updated positions of motors.
DEMO [13]: umv(simot1, 1, spec_m3, 4)

        simot1    spec_m3
user    0.390     3.258
dial    1.390     2.258

umvd (updated dial move)

  • umvd([<motor>, <position>]+): same than mvd([<motor>, <position>]+) but shows continuously updated positions of motors.

mvr (relative move)

  • mvr([<motor>, <position>]+): move motor(s) relatively to current positions.
  • mvdr([<motor>, <position>]+): move motor(s) relatively to current dial positions.
DEMO [5]: wa()
Current Positions (user, dial)

   simot1    spec_m3
 --------  ---------
  3.00000    7.00000
  3.00000    7.00000

DEMO [6]: mvr(simot1, 1, spec_m3, 2)

DEMO [7]: wa()
Current Positions (user, dial)

  simot1    spec_m3
--------  ---------
 4.00000    9.00000
 4.00000    9.00000

umvr (updated relative move)

  • umvr([<motor>, <position_increment>]+): Same than mvr() but shows continuously updated positions of motors.
CC4 [4]: umvr(m1, 1)
user    5.000
dial    4.000

umvdr (updated dial relative move)

  • umdvr([<motor>, <position_increment>]+): Same than mvdr() but shows continuously updated positions of motors.

wa (where all)

  • wa(): Shows user and dial positions of configured motors.
 DEMO [2]: wa()
 Current Positions (user, dial)

 pzth      simot1    spec_m3
 ------  --------  ---------
 !ERR     1.10000    1.46150
 !ERR     1.10000    1.46150

wu (where user)

  • wu(): Shows user positions of configured motors.
 DEMO [2]: wu()
 Current Positions user

 pzth      simot1    spec_m3
 ------  --------  ---------
 !ERR     1.10000    1.46150

wm (where motor)

  • wm([<mot_name>]+): Show user, dial and offset values of positions and limits for given motor(s).
DEMO [2]: wm(m1, m2)

             m1[mm]          m2
-------  ----------  ----------
High      128.00000  -123.00000
Current     7.00000   -12.00000
Low      -451.00000   456.00000
Offset      5.00000     0.00000
High      123.00000   123.00000
Current     2.00000    12.00000
Low      -456.00000  -456.00000


  • lsmot() : Print Motors configured in current session.
DEMO [2]: lsmot()
Motors configured in current session:
att1z        bad              bsy        bsz        calc_mot1  calc_mot2
custom_axis  hooked_error_m0  hooked_m0  hooked_m1  jogger     m0
m1           omega            roby       robz       robz2      s1b
s1d          s1f              s1hg       s1ho       s1u        s1vg


  • sync([<motor>]*): Force axes synchronization with the hardware. If no axis is given, it syncs all all axes present in the session
DEMO [38]: sync(simot1)

sta (all motors status)

  • sta(): Show status of all configured motors.
DEMO [13]: sta()
Axis     Status
-------  ----------------------
pzth     <status not available>
simot1   READY (Axis is READY)
spec_m3  READY (Axis is READY)

stm (motors status)

  • stm(<mot>): Show status of motors given as parameters.
DEMO [3]: stm(mm1, mm2)
Axis    Status
------  ---------------------
mm1     READY (Axis is READY)
mm2     READY (Axis is READY)

rockit (rock a motor around current position)

  • rockit(mot, total_move): Rock the motor mot around it’s current position ± total_move/2.

i.e: Rock the motor mm1 during a ascan. At the end of the context, the rocking will stop and the motor mm1 will be moved back the previous position.

with rockit(mm1, 10):

tw (Tweak)

  • tw(<mot>): View motors in an user interface and move them
    tw(robz, roby, m0)

Tweak screenshot


lscnt (list counters)

  • lscnt():
DEMO [1]: lscnt()

Name                     Shape    Controller
-----------------------  -------  ------------
simct1                   0D       None
simct2                   0D       None
simct3                   0D       None
simct4                   0D       None
simul_mca.AuLa           0D       simul_mca
simul_mca.AuLa_det0      0D       simul_mca
simul_mca.AuLa_det1      0D       simul_mca
simul_mca.AuLa_det2      0D       simul_mca
simul_mca.AuLa_det3      0D       simul_mca
simul_mca.deadtime_det0  0D       simul_mca
simul_mca.deadtime_det1  0D       simul_mca

Bliss Objects


  • lsobj(): print the list of BLISS objects defined in a session. Can be used with usual jocker characters:

    • *: matches everything
    • ?: matches any single character
    • [seq]: matches any character in seq
    • [!seq]: matches any character not in seq


TEST_SESSION [2]: lsobj("dio*")      # all objects starting by 'dio'
diode  diode2  diode3  diode4  diode5  diode6  diode7  diode8  diode9

TEST_SESSION [3]: lsobj("[abc]*")    # all objects starting by 'a', 'b' or 'c'
beamstop  att1  bad  calc_mot1  calc_mot2  custom_axis

TEST_SESSION [6]: lsobj("???")       # all objects with 3-lettres names
MG1  MG2  bad  s1b  s1d  s1f  s1u


  • lsconfig(): print the list of BLISS objects in config, not only objects declared in current session.


DEMO [2]: lsconfig()

demo_counters  MG_tomo  MG_sim  MG_gauss  MG_align

beamstop  att1

wl_mono     u42c     u42b    spec_m3  pzth_enc  pzth      psho         pshg
psf         psb      motor7  motor6   mono      mme       mm_enc       mm9
mm8         mm7      mm6     mm5      mm4       mm3       mm2          mm16
mm15        mm14     mm13    mm12     mm11      mm10      mm1          mech1
mc2         mc1_enc  mc1     mbv4mot  m5        m4        m3           m2
m1          kbvo     kbvg    kbho     kbhg      ice2      ice1         gal
fsh         e_mono   dummy2  dummy1   calc_mot  blade_up  blade_front  blade_down
blade_back  bend_u   bend_d

ser0                 out1     kb1      hpz_rx               hpz_off_2
hpz_off_1            hppstc2  hppstc1  controller_setting3  controller_setting2

sim_ct_calib_gauss3  sim_ct_calib_gauss2  sim_ct_calib_gauss  sim_ct_5  sim_ct_4
sim_ct_3             sim_ct_2             sim_ct_1            ct1

test_session demo  cyril

Data Policy

  • newproposal() newsample() newdataset(): Change the proposal sample and dataset names used to determine the saving path.

For more info about these three functions, see data policy section


  • plotselect(): select counter(s) to plot in Flint

  • clear(): clear the screen.

  • silx_view(): launch Silx View on last scan’s data file.

  • pymca(): launch PyMca on last scan’s data file.


Some bliss objects can be used with dialogs.

To check if an object has dialogs implemented you can use the menu function.

Using menu() without further arguments will display all objects that has dialogs implemented.

Using using menu(object) will launch the dialog with his effects. If more than one dialog exists for the same object you can either pass the dialog name as a string like menu(lima_simulator, "saving") or just use menu(lima_simulator) and first you will select between available dialogs and than use the selected one.


TEST_SESSION [2]: menu()  
         Out [2]: Dialog available for the following objects:


TEST_SESSION [3]: show(trasfocator_simulator)
                  .. HERE THE DIALOG DISPLAYS ..
         Out [3]: Transfocator transfocator_simulator:  # effects of dialog
                  P0  L1  L2   L3  L4   L5   L6  L7  L8
                  IN  IN  OUT  IN  OUT  OUT  IN  IN  IN

TEST_SESSION [4]: show(lima_simulator, "saving")
                  .. HERE THE DIALOG DISPLAYS ..
         Out [4]: # display of return status if present

TEST_SESSION [5]: show(lima_simulator)
                  .. HERE SUBMENU DIALOG DISPLAYS ..
                  .. THAN SELECTED DIALOG DISPLAYS ..
         Out [5]: # display of return status if present

Wago Interlocks

  • interlock_show([wago]*): display interlocks info for given Wagos (for all wagos if no parameter is given).

  • interlock_state(): return a tuple containing the actual state of the interlocks.

introspection, doc, logging

Logging and Debug


elog_print() can be used like python’s standard print() to send messages to the logbook.


The output from a previously execute command can be sent to the logbook simply using elog_add(num).

When the parameter num is positive it refers to the shell paragraph number.

When the parameter num is negative it refers to the shell paragraph relative to the current paragraph number.

If no parameter is specify the previous paragraph is sent (corresponds to -1).

Following an example sending to the logbook for three times the same output:

TEST_SESSION [1]: transfocator_simulator
         Out [1]: Transfocator transfocator_simulator:
                  P0   L1  L2  L3  L4   L5  L6   L7  L8
                  OUT  IN  IN  IN  OUT  IN  OUT  IN  OUT

TEST_SESSION [2]: elog_add()  # adds previous paragraph (-1)
TEST_SESSION [3]: elog_add(1)  # can be used with reference to the paragraph number
TEST_SESSION [4]: elog_add(-3)  # can be also used with relative negative reference


Export the actual curve plot to the logbook.

An optional argument allow to export the dedicated plot displaying a Lima or MCA controller.

TEST_SESSION [2]: elog_plot()                # export the default curve plot to the logbook
TEST_SESSION [3]: elog_plot(lima_simulator)  # export the plot displaying this Lima device

prdef (print definition)

  • prdef(<function>): Display information about given function : definition file, docstring and source code.
CC4 [17]: prdef(umv)
'umv' is defined in:

def umv(*args):
    Moves given axes to given absolute positions providing updated display of
    the motor(s) position(s) while it(they) is(are) moving.

    Arguments are interleaved axis and respective absolute target position.


  • bench(): context manager to help benchmarking functions.


DEMO [14]: with bench():
       ...:     time.sleep(1.987654)
Execution time: 1s 987ms 970μs