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Scan is the top level object of the scan engine and it’s the one who perform the scan according to the acquisition chain passed as argument when calling the run method. It saves and publish acquisition data according to the scan saving configuration.

Scan life cycle

Scan states

A normal scan will follow the steps bellow:

  • A new scan is created with the state IDLE until run is called
  • During the PREPARING, controllers are setup and metadata are collected
  • During STARTING the data acquisition is processed
  • During STOPPING metadata at the termination of the scan are collected
  • Finally the scan ending with DONE state

At any time a scan can also be interrupted. As result the ending state will be one of:

  • KILLED, caused by an error during the scan
  • USER_ABORT caused by an abort request from the user (commonly after the use of a CTRL-C keys)

Scan data

During or after a scan, scan data can be retrieved by calling get_data(). This method will return data as a dictionary with the key as the counter name and a numpy array with the associated data.

DEMO [1]: s = loopscan(2,0.1,diode)

Scan 3 Wed Mar 06 11:47 /scans/test_session/data.h5 test_session user = seb
loopscan 2 0.1

           #         dt[s]         diode
           0             0       2.77778
           1      0.107661            26

Took 0:00:03.523786

DEMO [2]: s.get_data().keys()
 Out [2]: dict_keys(['timer:elapsed_time', 'timer:epoch',

# retrieved with counter instance
DEMO [4]: s.get_data()[diode]
 Out [4]: array([ 2.77777778, 26. ])

# retrieved with short name (when there is no name collision)
DEMO [5]: s.get_data()['diode']
 Out [5]: array([ 2.77777778, 26. ])

# or with fullname
DEMO [5]: s.get_data()['simulation_diode_controller:diode']
 Out [5]: array([ 2.77777778, 26. ])

Alignment functions

There is a group of function that returns motor position in fonction of value of counter passed as argument. Available functions are:

  • fwhm(): return the full width half maximum
  • cen(): return the center of the fwhm and fwhm
  • com(): return the center of mass
  • peak(): return the motor position at the counter maximum

An other function group prefixed by goto_ move directly the motor to the calculated position.

Example: goto_cen() moves the motor to the center of the fwhm. This group of function draw a marker in Flint at the final motor position.

Function where() displays the current scan motor position.


DEMO [1]: s = ascan(robz,0,1,10,0.1,counter)

Scan 7 Wed Mar 06 12:45 /scans/test_session/data.h5 test_session user = seb
ascan robz 0 1 10 0.1

           #         dt[s]          robz   autoCounter
           0             0             0     0.0526115
           1      0.205485        0.1111     0.0731554
           2       0.40605        0.2222      0.107844
           3      0.606267        0.3333       1.07414
           4      0.800804        0.4444       3.49636
           5       1.00134        0.5556       3.43307
           6       1.20344        0.6667       1.04448
           7       1.40291        0.7778      0.147452
           8       1.60499        0.8889      0.035737
           9       1.80242             1     0.0652613

DEMO [2]: robz.position # position of robz at the end of scan
 Out [2]: 1.0

DEMO [3]: s.cen(counter)
 Out [3]: (0.494053, 0.425117)

DEMO [4]: s.goto_cen(counter) # will move to 0.494053

DEMO [5]: robz.position # position after the `goto_cen`
 Out [5]: 0.4941


Some execution timing are calculated at each scan. They can be displayed on demand:

DEMO [16]: SCANS[-1].statistics
  Out [16]: func_name               min        mean       max            std
            ----------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -------
            sim_acq_dev.prepare     116.825us  116.825us  116.825us  0.00000
            sim_acq_dev.start       595.093us  595.093us  595.093us  0.00000
            sim_acq_dev.stop        178.814us  178.814us  178.814us  0.00000
            sim_acq_dev.trigger     58.174us   344.356us  607.014us  0.00022
            sim_acq_dev.wait_ready  151.873us  247.002us  313.044us  0.00007
            timer.prepare           53.883us   129.938us  179.052us  0.00005
            timer.start             514.895ms  839.220ms  1.002s     0.22933
            timer.stop              211.954us  211.954us  211.954us  0.00000
            timer.trigger_slaves    92.983us   209.570us  301.838us  0.00009
            timer.wait_ready        194.073us  270.685us  356.913us  0.00007
            timer.wait_slaves       200.987us  330.567us  536.203us  0.00014

More details in acquisition statistics.


A tracing mechanism can be activated to debug and profile scans. Use:

  • debugon("bliss.scans") to activate it
  • debugoff("bliss.scans") to de-activate it

Scan example

In this example, a timescan is lauched with debug activated. Scan is aborted after 2 points.

DEMO [14]: s = timescan(1, sim_acq_dev.counters.sc1, run=False)

DEMO [15]: debugon("bliss.scans")

DEMO [16]:

Scan 7 Fri Nov 30 13:31:15 2018 /tmp/scans/cyril/ cyril user = guilloud
timescan 1

           #         dt[s]           sc1
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:15,050 Scan: Start timer.wait_ready
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:15,050 Scan: End timer.wait_ready Took 0.000194s
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:15,051 Scan: Start sim_acq_dev.wait_ready
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:15,051 Scan: End sim_acq_dev.wait_ready Took 0.000152s
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:15,061 Scan: Start sim_acq_dev.prepare
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:15,061 Scan: End sim_acq_dev.prepare Took 0.000117s
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:15,061 Scan: Start timer.prepare
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:15,061 Scan: End timer.prepare Took 0.000054s
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:15,062 Scan: Start sim_acq_dev.start
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:15,062 Scan: End sim_acq_dev.start Took 0.000595s
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:15,063 Scan: Start timer.start
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:15,063 Scan: Start timer.trigger_slaves
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:15,063 Scan: End timer.trigger_slaves Took 0.000093s
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:15,063 Scan: Start sim_acq_dev.trigger
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:15,063 Scan: End sim_acq_dev.trigger Took 0.000058s
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:15,064 Scan: Start timer.wait_slaves
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:15,065 Scan: End timer.wait_slaves Took 0.000201s
           0             0            44
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:16,064 Scan: End timer.start Took 1.001576s
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:16,065 Scan: Start timer.wait_ready
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:16,065 Scan: End timer.wait_ready Took 0.000261s
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:16,065 Scan: Start sim_acq_dev.wait_ready
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:16,066 Scan: End sim_acq_dev.wait_ready Took 0.000276s
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:16,066 Scan: Start timer.prepare
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:16,066 Scan: End timer.prepare Took 0.000157s
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:16,067 Scan: Start timer.start
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:16,068 Scan: Start timer.trigger_slaves
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:16,068 Scan: End timer.trigger_slaves Took 0.000302s
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:16,069 Scan: Start sim_acq_dev.trigger
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:16,069 Scan: End sim_acq_dev.trigger Took 0.000607s
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:16,073 Scan: Start timer.wait_slaves
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:16,073 Scan: End timer.wait_slaves Took 0.000536s
           1       1.00468            44
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:17,068 Scan: End timer.start Took 1.001188s
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:17,069 Scan: Start timer.wait_ready
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:17,069 Scan: End timer.wait_ready Took 0.000357s
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:17,070 Scan: Start sim_acq_dev.wait_ready
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:17,070 Scan: End sim_acq_dev.wait_ready Took 0.000313s
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:17,071 Scan: Start timer.prepare
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:17,071 Scan: End timer.prepare Took 0.000179s
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:17,072 Scan: Start timer.start
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:17,072 Scan: Start timer.trigger_slaves
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:17,072 Scan: End timer.trigger_slaves Took 0.000234s
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:17,073 Scan: Start sim_acq_dev.trigger
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:17,073 Scan: End sim_acq_dev.trigger Took 0.000368s
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:17,075 Scan: Start timer.wait_slaves
           2       2.00908            44
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:17,075 Scan: End timer.wait_slaves Took 0.000373s
ERROR 2018-11-30 13:31:17,586 Scan: Exception caught in timer.start
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:17,586 Scan: End timer.start Took 0.514895s
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:17,587 Scan: Start timer.stop
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:17,587 Scan: End timer.stop Took 0.000212s
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:17,588 Scan: Start sim_acq_dev.stop
--SAD ACQDEV: stop()
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:17,588 Scan: End sim_acq_dev.stop Took 0.000179s
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:17,588 Scan: Start timer.wait_slaves
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:31:17,589 Scan: End timer.wait_slaves Took 0.000212s

Took 0:00:02.564716

ct example

DEMO [4]: s = ct(1, sim_acq_dev.counters.sc1, run=False)

DEMO [6]: debugon("bliss.scans");

DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:27:20,823 Scan: Start timer.wait_ready
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:27:20,823 Scan: End timer.wait_ready Took 0.000339s
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:27:20,824 Scan: Start sim_acq_dev.wait_ready
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:27:20,824 Scan: End sim_acq_dev.wait_ready Took 0.000282s
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:27:20,831 Scan: Start sim_acq_dev.prepare
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:27:20,831 Scan: End sim_acq_dev.prepare Took 0.000147s
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:27:20,831 Scan: Start timer.prepare
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:27:20,831 Scan: End timer.prepare Took 0.000098s
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:27:20,832 Scan: Start sim_acq_dev.start
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:27:20,832 Scan: End sim_acq_dev.start Took 0.000187s
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:27:20,832 Scan: Start timer.start
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:27:20,833 Scan: Start timer.trigger_slaves
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:27:20,833 Scan: End timer.trigger_slaves Took 0.000092s
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:27:20,833 Scan: Start sim_acq_dev.trigger
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:27:20,833 Scan: End sim_acq_dev.trigger Took 0.000093s
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:27:20,834 Scan: Start timer.wait_slaves
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:27:20,834 Scan: End timer.wait_slaves Took 0.000239s
Fri Nov 30 13:27:20 2018

  dt[s] =          0.0 (         0.0/s)
    sc1 =         44.0 (        44.0/s)
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:27:21,834 Scan: End timer.start Took 1.001465s
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:27:21,835 Scan: Start timer.wait_ready
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:27:21,835 Scan: End timer.wait_ready Took 0.000342s
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:27:21,836 Scan: Start sim_acq_dev.wait_ready
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:27:21,836 Scan: End sim_acq_dev.wait_ready Took 0.000356s
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:27:21,836 Scan: Start timer.wait_slaves
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:27:21,837 Scan: End timer.wait_slaves Took 0.000266s
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:27:21,839 Scan: Start timer.stop
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:27:21,839 Scan: End timer.stop Took 0.000218s
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:27:21,839 Scan: Start sim_acq_dev.stop
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:27:21,839 Scan: End sim_acq_dev.stop Took 0.000049s
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:27:21,840 Scan: Start timer.wait_slaves
DEBUG 2018-11-30 13:27:21,840 Scan: End timer.wait_slaves Took 0.000060s
  Out [6]: Scan(name=ct_6, run_number=6)