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Configuring an IcePAP

This chapter explains how to configure an IcePAP motor controller.

Supported features

Encoder Shutter Trajectories Linked axes

Specific IcePAP controller parameters

  • host: controller hostname or IP address

Specific IcePAP axis parameters

  • address: int, motor input channel
  • autopower: bool, automatically switch on/off power on axis

YAML configuration file example

  class: icepap
  host: iceid2322
      - name: mbv4mot
        address: 1
        steps_per_unit: 817
        velocity: 0.3
        acceleration: 3
      - name: camx
        address: 34


Each controller: line can be prepended with - to configure multiple controllers in the same YAML file.


Beacon needs the emotion configuration plugin for motor controller YAML files interpretation.

It is common to add an init.yml file with: plugin: emotion in the top directory of motors configuration YAML files. Another possibility is to add plugin: emotion directly in each motor controller YAML configuration file.

Encoder configuration

Encoders directly plugged in the IcePAP controller can be configured directly in the YAML configuration file.


An encoder can be defined on its own (Encoder object), or can be associated to an axis to add some extra checks when motion is done: for example, an exception can be raised if final position does not correspond to encoder position.

Specific IcePAP encoder parameters

  • type: to set which encoder to read.
    • ENCIN: rear incremental encoder
    • ABSENC: rear SSI interface
    • INPOS: front panel encoder
    • MOTOR: electrical phase of the motor
    • AXIS: nominal axis position
    • SYNC: backplance SYNC input register
  • address: encoder input channel


See icepap documentation for more info.

Encoder YAML configuration example

  class: icepap
  host: iceid42
      - name: mbv1enc
        address: 25
        type: ENCIN
        steps_per_unit: 1e5

More information about Encoder objects here

IcePAP Shutter configuration

The IcePAP controller can be put in shutter control mode (using IcePAP LIST MODE), to operate opening and closing of a shutter. This is done by moving back and forth a stepper motor between two pre-defined positions. The change is trigger by an external signal.

For details, see: Shutter configuration

Linked axis configuration

IcePAP controller can link several axes together, creating a new virtual axis managed directly by the controller itself. A linked axis applies motions to underlying linked motors. The result is a fake motor seen as a real Axis for BLISS (as opposed to the virtual axes).


icepapcms must be used to create a linked axis in the controller.

  • in Linked Axis name field, declare a common name (ex:zelda) for all real motors to link. (and send and validate)

Specific IcePAP linked axis configuration

  • class must be LinkedAxis
  • address is the name of the linked axis, as defined in icepapcms (ex: zelda)

Linked axis YAML configuration example:

    class: icepap
    host: icebcu21
      - name: motlink1       # name in Bliss
        address: zelda       # name in icepapcms (case-sensitive)
        class: LinkedAxis
        steps_per_unit: 200
        velocity: 1.0
        acceleration: 1.2

Linked axis info strings gives status on real axis as follow:

    address / icepapcms linked name: zelda
    real axis (motor1): ADDR:1  POWER:ON  CLOOP:ON  WARNING:NONE  ALARM:NO  POS:31000
    real axis (motor2): ADDR:2  POWER:ON  CLOOP:ON  WARNING:NONE  ALARM:NO  POS:32594

To get more details, like real motor positions/encoders, use real_axes_status() method:

BLISS [3]:  motlink1.real_axes_status()

Bliss axis name       : motlink1
Icepapcms name/address: zelda
POWER                 : ON
Indexer steps         : 10
Indexer in user unit  : 0.05

Real axis address     : 1
Real axis name        : motor1
Home switch           : YES
Homing                : NOTFOUND
Control encoder       : YES
Indexer steps         : 10
Encoder steps         : 10
Homepos steps         : unavailable
Indexer user unit     : 0.05
Encoder user unit     : 0.05
Closed loop           : ON

Real axis address     : 2
Real axis name        : motor2
Home switch           : YES
Homing                : NOTFOUND
Control encoder       : YES
Indexer steps         : 10
Encoder steps         : 10
Homepos steps         : unavailable
Indexer user unit     : 0.05
Encoder user unit     : 0.05
Closed loop           : ON

Methods specific to linked axis:

  • sync(user_position): Synchronizes all real linked axes members to the given position. No motion will take place. The position is given in user units of the virtual axis.
  • disprotected_move(real_axis, user_target_pos): Move one of the real axis to the given position. Real axis are accessible through real_axes. Example: motlink1.disprotected_move(motlink1.real_axes.motor1, 0.1)
  • open_closed_loop(): open closed loop on all real axes
  • reset_closed_loop(): reset closed loop on all real axes (ie. sync axis position with encoder one)
  • reset(): reset closed loop on all real axis. Then move each real to the mean position and finally set linked axis position to that position. This command implies that all axes can be moved independently. It is typically used to sync positions after brake release when real axis are in closed loop.

Axis switch (signals multiplexer)

Icepap system can route signals from one of the axes trough the internal bus to a SYNCHRO front-panel DB9 connector.

It can be used for example to read the encoder signal of any of the axes of an icepap system without occupying too many channels of a MUSST card.


An icepap system can be “split” to offer more than one such multiplexer.

Configuration keywords:

  • include-rack, exclude-rack to define racks that are allowed to be routed:

    • ex: include-rack: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
    • ex: exclude-rack: [5]
    • by default, all the racks are used.
  • external-connector-id to define the rack where the signal is routed.

    • ex: external-connector-id: 3
    • default is 0 (master DB9 connector)
  • syncpos-type to define the signal to route.

    • the signal must be one of:
      • AXIS: Points to the axis nominal position
      • MEASURE: Points to the register used for position measurement
      • SHFTENC: Points to the register configured as SHFTENC
      • TGTENC: Points to the register configured as TGTENC
      • CTRLENC: Points to the register configured as CTRLENC
      • ENCIN: ENCIN register
      • INPOS: INPOS register
      • ABSENC: ABSENC register
      • MOTOR: MOTOR register
    • example: syncpos-type: MOTOR
    • If not specified, the default one is: MEASURE (which should be configured with icepapcms).


input/output trigger signals are also routed. They can be used to send or receive a pulse to or from an axis.


  class: icepap
  host: icebcu2
    - name: icebcu2_switch
      include-rack: [0,1]
      external-connector-id: 0
    - name: mot1
      address: 1
      steps_per_unit: 200
      velocity: 2
      acceleration: 1
      encoder: $mot1enc
    - name: mot2
      address: 2
      steps_per_unit: 200
      velocity: 10
      acceleration: 10
      unit: deg
    - name: mot3
      sign: -1
      address: 3
      steps_per_unit: 100
      velocity: 1
      acceleration: 1
    - name: mot4
      address: 4
      steps_per_unit: -100
      velocity: 1
      acceleration: 1
    - name: mot1enc
      address: 1
      type: ENCIN
      steps_per_unit: 200
      tolerance: 0.025



Such a multiplexer can be used manually, but it is more likely used in combination with a MUSST card.

Example of such usage can be found in Musst Switch section”.


In addition to common Bliss Axis features, an Icepap axis offers specific ones:

Use the blink(second=3.0) command to identify an IcePaP driver.

DEMO [15]: bcumot1.blink(second=5)   # non-blocking function
DEMO [16]: