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OPIOM card configuration

OPIOM is a multi-purpose digital I/O NIM module built around a programmable logic device (PLD) and a micro-controller. This architecture provides the user with the usual programmable logic capabilities combined with the advanced features available in the micro-controller.


At ESRF, OPIOM board is mainly used:

  • to multiplex signals from and to different devices depending of type of acquisistion performed.
    • moving/ready signals comming from motors or detectors
    • trigger/gate signals going to devices (ccd, shutters, etc.)
  • as signal level/duration adaptation
  • as continuous scan master (being replaced by MUSST card)

ISG pages:


Yaml sample configuration

- class: Opiom
  name: opiom_eh3
    url: tango://id42/Serial_133_232/02
    timeout: 30
  #OPIOM_PROG is a remote directory on beacon server
  program-path: OPIOM_PROG/20180625_152307_multiplexer-eh3


This object helps to manage an OPIOM board used as a multiplexing board (not as continuous scan master for example) containing one or many multiplexers.

BLISS object

In the YAML configuration, can be found:

  • the internal multiplexers description
  • the program to load into the OPIOM

Multiplexers are typically used in a scan preset.

Example 1

Simple multiplexer with 1 output and 2 inputs:

- class: multiplexer
  name: mpx
  plugin: bliss
    - class: opiom
      name: opiom1
        url: rfc2217://lid421:28201    # /dev/ttyR1
      program: 20150818_173019_SXM_V0
      opiom_prg_root: /users/blissadm/local/beamline_configuration/
    - label: MUSST_TRIG
      comment: Trig Vscanner
      board: opiom1
      register: IM
      shift: 1
      mask: 0x1
      VSCANNER1: 0
      VSCANNER2: 1

This can be represented as:

                 0  __
  VSCANNER1------->|  \
                   |   |
                   |   |--------- MUSST_TRIG------->
                 1 |   |

     Inputs        Selector          Output


To display current state of multiplexer named mpx:

DEMO [12]: mpx
 Out [12]: Multiplexer Status:
           Output name                     Output status
           MUSST_TRIG                      VSCANNER1

Input VSCANNER1 is selected.

To change the input:

DEMO [13]: mpx.switch("MUSST_TRIG", "VSCANNER2")
DEMO [14]: mpx
 Out [14]: Multiplexer Status:
           Output name                     Output status
           MUSST_TRIG                      VSCANNER2
Input VSCANNER2 is now selected.

Some other useful commands:

DEMO [2]: mpx.getOutputList()
 Out [2]: ['MUSST_TRIG']

DEMO [2]: mpx.getOutputList()
 Out [2]: ['MUSST_TRIG']

DEMO [3]: mpx.getGlobalStat()
 Out [3]: {'MUSST_TRIG': 'VSCANNER2'}

DEMO [4]: mpx.getKeyAndName()
 Out [4]: {'MUSST_TRIG': 'Trig Vscanner'}

DEMO [7]: mpx._boards
 Out [7]: {'opiom1': <bliss.controllers.opiom.Opiom object at 0x7f78d8f85d50>}

DEMO [9]: mpx._boards["opiom1"]
 Out [9]: opiom: Serial[rfc2217://lid421:28201]

Example 2

More complex example with chained OPIOMs:

- class: multiplexer
  name: mult1
    - class: opiom
      name: opiom1
      serial: /dev/ttyS0
      program: 220080208_164412_id22NI_opiom_2.8
      opiom_prg_root: /users/blissadm/local/isg/opiom # default
    - class: opiom
      name: opiom2
      serial: /dev/ttyS1
      program: 20100122_143221_id11-laser-1.0.prg
    - label: APD
      comment: APD counter
      board: opiom1
      register: IM
      shift: 0
      mask: 0x3
      APD1: 0
      APD2: 1
      APD3: 2
        chained_value: 3
        board: opiom2
        register: IMA
        shift: 2
        mask: 0x3
        APD4: 0
        APD5: 1
        APD6: 2
        APD7: 3
    - label: CR1
      comment: Correlator chan. A
      board: opiom1
      register: IM
      shift: 1
      mask: 0x3
      MON: 0
      DET: 1
      APD1: 2
      APD2: 3
    - label: ITRIG
      comment: ITRIG MUSST
      register: IM
      shift: 1
      mask: 0x7
      sampy: 0
      sampz: 1
      samy: 2
      samz: 3
      cam1: 4
      cam2: 5

Device server

OPIOM multiplexer can also be used with a tango device server (as it was done with SPEC)


Default program

OPIOM is shipped with a Default Program to:

  • generate output pulses
  • use the Time Patern Generator (TPG) mode to generate a predefined time pattern using up to eight outputs simultaneously.

Time Pattern Generator

Configuration example:

class: OpiomOutput
name: ttl
opiom: $laser_opiom
default_acq_params_file: /users/opid29s/local/acq_parameters/acq.params
     type: TPG
     channel: 1
     alias: laser1
     channel: 1
     alias: laser2
     channel: 2

Acquisition parameters file example:

#period: 1000
#channel_nb     delay   width   polarity
1               0       200     Normal
2               100     200     Normal
# 3               200     50      Normal
# 4               400     10      Normal
# 5               600     50      Inversed

TGP Example Diagram