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Interactive data selection

In order to interact with a given plot, to choose points or regions of interest of different shapes, plot objects propose two methods : select_point() and select_shape().

Most of the available charts provided by Flint provides such interactions.

Get the plot

Here is a small example creating a chart based on fixed data.

from bliss.common.plot import *
import numpy

xx = numpy.linspace(0, 4*3.14, 50)
yy = numpy.cos(xx)

p = plot(yy, name="Plot 0")

p refers to a plot in Flint and provides it’s own method to interact with.

Data selection

Once that the plot p object is created (an CurvePlot in this case), several options are available to interact with the plot:

  • select_points(pointnumber):
  • select_shape(shape) where shape could be:
    • 'rectangle': rectangle selection
    • 'line': line selection
    • 'hline': horizontal line selection
    • 'vline': vertical line selection
    • 'polygon': polygon selection


When selecting a polygon shape, click on the starting point of the polygon to close it (the polygon) and to return to BLISS shell.

Select a rectangle

rectangle = p.select_shape("rectangle")

BLISS shell is blocked until user makes a rectangular selection.

Once the rectangle is created, the interaction is terminated, and the result is passed to the BLISS shell.

Out [11]: [[278.25146, 716.00623], [623.90546, 401.82913]]

Select a list of points

The select_points method allows the user to select a given number of point on the corresponding plot using their mouse.

a, b, c = p.select_points(3)
# Blocks until the user selects the 3 points
[1.2, 3.4]

Other selection kind

topleft, bottomright = p.select_shape('rectangle')

start, stop = p.select_shape('line')

left, right = p.select_shape('hline')

bottom, top = p.select_shape('vline')

points = p.select_shape('polygon')