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Calculational Counters

A Calculational Counter is a “virtual” or “pseudo” counter which has its value calculated from another existing counter and not taken directly from a physical measure.

Calculational Counters can be typically used:

  • to do computations on raw values.
  • to aggregate counters.

A Calculational Counter transforms N inputs into M outputs.


Some example can be found in:

  • tests/scans/test_calc_counter.py
  • tests/test_configuration/simulation_calc_counter.yml
  • bliss/controllers/simulation_calc_counter.py

A Calculational Counter Controller inherits from CalcCounterController.

In case of using Channels instead of Counters as a data source, Calculation Channels have to be used. This is typically the case when doing calculation objects under MUSST channels.

Using a Calculational Counter Controller

Configuration can be done in YML or in the session shell.

tags are the roles of each counter, they can be used to identify counter in calculation function.

configuration example:

- plugin: bliss
  module: simulation_calc_counter
  class: MeanCalcCounterController
  name: simul_calc_controller2
    - counter: $simu1.counters.deadtime_det0
      tags: data1

    - counter: $simu1.counters.deadtime_det1
      tags: data2

    - name: out2

Creating a Calculational Counter Controller

To create a Calculation Counter Controller, the main task is to provide the calculation function named calc_function() to compute input values.

This function takes input_dict as a parameter and must return a dictionary of the computed values.

Calculations are made on numpy arrays, so all operations must be NumPy compatible.

If there is no tags defined, inputs are indexed by counter names.

Example: Mean calculation

Example for a Calculational Counter to return the mean value from 2 or more existing counters (real or calc) bliss/controllers/simulation_calc_counter.py:

from bliss.controllers.counter import CalcCounterController

class MeanCalcCounterController(CalcCounterController):
    def calc_function(self, input_dict):

        csum = 0

        # example of self.inputs (2 input counters):
        #   [<....SimulationCounter object at 0x7f9da11f8350>,
        #    <....SimulationCounter object at 0x7f9da12537d0>]
        # example of input_dict: {'data1': array([1.]), 'data2': array([1.])}
        #   * indexed by 'data1' and 'data2' tags.
        # example of self.outputs (1 output counter):
        #   [<bliss.common.counter.CalcCounter object at 0x7f03900a4e10>]
        # example of self.tags: {'sim_ct_1': 'data1',
        #                        'sim_ct_2': 'data2',
        #                        'out1':     'out1'}

        # len(list(input_dict.values())[0])  is the number of points to compute.

        for cnt in self.inputs:
            csum += input_dict[self.tags[cnt.name]]

        csum = csum / float(len(self.inputs))

        return {self.tags[self.outputs[0].name]: csum}
  • self.inputs : list of counters or calc counters.
  • self.outputs: list of calc counters.
  • input_dict: values of inputs to compute.

input_dict is indexed by tags

calculation is performed on maximum number of elements available for all inputs.

tags are “roles”.

if no tag -> use counter names

calculation is performed on a 1 to 1 element basis: to reduce the number of points of an input, an index on read data (self.data) must be maintained.

corresponding YAML config:

- plugin: bliss
  module: simulation_calc_counter
   #   package ???
  class: MeanCalcCounterController
  name: simul_calc_controller
    - counter: $diode
      tags: data1

    - counter: $diode2
      tags: data2

    - name: out1
def test_calc_counter_from_config(default_session):

    cc1 = default_session.config.get("simul_calc_controller")  
    cc2 = default_session.config.get("simul_calc_controller2")

    roby = default_session.config.get("roby")

    sc = ascan(roby, 0, 10, 10, 0.1, cc1, cc2)

    assert numpy.array_equal(
        (sc.get_data()["diode"] + sc.get_data()["diode2"]) / 2.

    assert numpy.array_equal(
        (sc.get_data()["deadtime_det0"] + sc.get_data()["deadtime_det1"]) / 2.,

Changing Data length

In previous examples, the length of received data is not considered: the function produces the same length of outputs than the length of inputs received.

In case a scan mix counters with different triggering modes, it can be useful to remove a point of the scan and/or to re-arrange the points.




Pre-defined Calculation Counters

Expression based Calc Counter Controller / Calc Counter

To define Calculational Counters directly in the YAML it is possible to use ExpressionCalcCounter or ExpressionCalcCounterController.

These two classes extend the Calculation Counter framework such that expressions defined in the YAML are evaluated during the calculation.

The expression evaluation is using NumExpr module. (Documentation: https://numexpr.readthedocs.io)

The constants defined in the config can be modified during runtime accessing .constants e.g. to apply a calibration (in the example below simu_expr_calc.constants.m = 12).

code is in: bliss.controllers.expression_based_calc.py

YAML configuration examples

Single counter with constant
  • output1 = cst * input1 + input2
- plugin: bliss
  module: expression_based_calc
  class: ExpressionCalcCounter
  name: simu_expr_calc
  expression: m*x+b
      - counter : $diode
        tags: x
      - counter : $diode2
        tags: b
      m : 10
Single counter average
  • output1 = (input1 + input2) / 2.0
- plugin: bliss
  module: expression_based_calc
  class: ExpressionCalcCounter
  name: average
  expression: (d1+d2)/m
      - counter : $diode
        tags: d1
      - counter : $diode2
        tags: d2
      m : 2.0
Multiple counters with constant
  • output1 = m * input1
  • output2 = n * input2
- plugin: bliss
  module: expression_based_calc
  class: ExpressionCalcCounterController
  name: simu_expr_calc_ctrl
      - counter: $simu1.counters.deadtime_det0
        tags: x

      - counter: $diode2
        tags: y
       m : 10
       n : 100
      - name: out3
        expression:  m*x
      - name: out4
        expression:  n*y


In YAML config file, only the ExpressionCalcCounterController must be declared and not all the outputs.

In the previous example, only simu_expr_calc_ctrl must be put in config, and not out3 and out4

Multiple counters BPM

  |_upper_left | upper_right |   ↑
  | lower_left | lower_right |   y  x→
- plugin: bliss
  module: expression_based_calc
  class: ExpressionCalcCounterController
  name: bpm1
      - counter: $diode1
        tags: ul         # upper_left diode
      - counter: $diode2
        tags: ur         # upper_right diode
      - counter: $diode3
        tags: ll         # lower_left diode
      - counter: $diode4
        tags: lr         # lower_right diode
      - name: bpmi
        expression:  ul+ur+ll+lr
      - name: bpmx
        expression:  ((ul+ll)-(ur+lr))/(ul+ur+ll+lr)
      - name: bpmy
        expression:  ((ul+ur)-(ll+lr))/(ul+ur+ll+lr)

Background Calc Counter Controller

BackgroundCalcCounterController class is designed to manage the background of a set of existing counters.

The background correction is normalized to the counting time. Optionnally you can provide an input count_time counter, for instance your P201 second counter. If you do no set a count_time input the controller will use the time passed via acq_params count_time key.

To get the background of a detector, you need to make an action which guarantee that no photon will hit the detector during the counting time. To do so, the .take_background() method uses the object reference by the open_close field in the YAML file.

This open_close object should have:

  • .open() and .close() methods
  • .state attribute

The .state attribute should return at least "OPEN". The counting time may be adjusted as a parameter of the .take_background method. The default value is 1 second.

If no open_close object is defined (No field in the YAML file), calling the take_background() method will register the values of the counters as background or, if set_value=xxx parameter is given, xxx will set as background value for all input counters.

Each input counter has its equivalent as output. The relation between them is guarantee by the tag field in the YAML file.

code is in: bliss.controllers.calccnt_background.py

YAML configuration examples

- plugin: bliss
  module: calccnt_background
  class: BackgroundCalcCounterController
  open_close: $simul_valve
  name: dark
    - counter: $p201.counters.sec
      tags: count_time

    - counter: $p201.counters.I0_raw
      tags: I0_background

    - counter: $p201.counters.I1_raw
      tags: I1_background

    - name: I0
      tags: I0_background

    - name: I1
      tags: I1_background