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4-motors Q-Sys support table for transfocators

Real motor roles:

  • dh: downstream hall
  • dr: downstream ring
  • ur: upstream ring
  • uh: upstream hall

Calc. motor roles:

  • ty: alias for calculated y translation
  • tz: alias for calculated z translation
  • thetay: alias for calculated y rotation
  • thetaz: alias for calculated z rotation

Configuration parameters:

  • d1: half distance in x direction (in mm) between the two moving blocks.
  • d3: distance in z direction (in mm) between pivot plane and the top plate.

POI : point of interest (rotation center)


We are using orientation conventions used on Q-Sys document.


       M2=DR                M3=UR
                   X           <------------------------- BEAM

       M1=DH       |        M4=UH
        |          |

Config example

  class: trans4
  name: transf_mot_oh2
  d1: 230
  d2: 120
  - name: $tf2m1
    tags: real dh
  - name: $tf2m2
    tags: real dr
  - name: $tf2m3
    tags: real ur
  - name: $tf2m4
    tags: real uh
  - name: t2ry
    tags: thetay
    unit: deg
  - name: t2rz
    tags: thetaz
    unit: deg
  - name: t2y
    tags: ty
    unit: mm
  - name: t2z
    tags: tz
    unit: mm