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User interaction helpers

Some basic user interaction can be scripted with the getval_ module.

It provides a set of functions to prompt user to enter interactively various types of inputs: int, float, string, yes/no answer to a question etc.


getval_yes_no(message, default=True)

from import getval_yes_no

if getval_yes_no("Do you want to open shutter ?", default="no"):
    print("ok, openning...")

User is prevented to type other input than yes or no or y or n.

Executions example:

Do you want to open shutter ? [y/N]: bof
The input have to be on of [y]es or [n]o

On Enter:

Do you want to open shutter ? [y/N]:

On Ctrl-C:

Do you want to open shutter ? [y/N]:
!!! === KeyboardInterrupt:  === !!! ( for more details type cmd 'last_error()' )
Do you want to open shutter ? [y/N]: y
ok, openning...


getval_name prompt for a string without special char or spaces.

DEMO [8]: getval.getval_name("Enter a valid name")
Enter a valid name : fdsf


getval_int_range(message, minimum, maximum, default): Prompt user for an int number in interval [min, max]

from import getval_int_range
getval_int_range("Please enter beamline number", minimum=1, maximum=32, default=1)
Please enter beamline number [1]: f
Error: f is not a valid integer
Please enter beamline number [1]: 99
Error: 99 is not in the valid range of 1 to 32.
Please enter beamline number [1]: 5
Out[2]: 5


getval_idx_list(): Return the index and string chosen by user in list of N strings. Selection is done by index in [1..N].


from import getval_idx_list

dspacing_list = ["111", "311", "642"]
print(getval_idx_list(dspacing_list,"Choose the index of dspacing you want to use"))

Execution of previous example:

1 - 111
2 - 311
3 - 642
Choose the index of dspacing you want to use [1]: 2


from import getval_char_list

actions_list= [("a", "add a roi"), ("r", "remove a roi"), ("m", "modify a roi")]
getval_char_list(actions_list, "Action to do")

Execution of previous example:

a - add a roi
r - remove a roi
m - modify a roi
Action to do (a, r, m):a
  Out [11]: ('a', 'add a roi')