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ScanProgress replaces deprecated DataWatchCallback.

One of the goals of ScanProgress object is to decouple scan display from acquisition loop to prevent to slow it down.

It is internaly used by standard scans and must be tailored to the user’s needs for custom scans.

This object can be passed to a Scan object (see ‘scan_progress’) in order to store and access information about the progress of the scan and all acquisition objects that emit the ‘scan_progress’ signal (see ‘AcquisitionObject.emit_progress_signal’).

In addition, an optional argument ‘tracked_channels’ can be passed in order to ask to store the last data emitted by specific channels.

tracked_channels is a list of names that should match the name of the channels involved in the scan.

all parameter can be used to listen all the 0D channels of a scan:

tracked_channels = 'all'

  • progress_callback()
  • scan_new_callback()
  • scan_end_callback()

