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Adding logging and mapping capabilities to Controller

To know how to use logging inside the shell, see: Shell Logging

To know more about mapping and how to use it, see: Session map


To log or to print something in a controller, there are three sets of functions that can be choosen depending on the intended destination of the message to be logged or printed:

Logging and Mapping

Logging and Mapping instances are strictly related in Bliss: every instance should be registered to the session map before gaining logging features.

How to Register an instance

from bliss.common.logtools import *
from bliss import global_map

class MyController:
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.comm = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        global_map.register(self, children_list=[comm],
        log_info(self, "HI, I am born")

The preceding is a barebone example of how to register an instance inside the global map and send an INFO logging message.

Register the device/instance to the map

global_map.register(self, children_list=[comm],

This code will add the instance to the device map of the session.

See how socket are created and registered as a child of MyController.


This single operation will register both instances (MyController as self and the socket) to the map putting in place the hierarchical relation beetween them.

A tag can be assigned to better visualize nodes in the map and in the log hierarchy. If not, the library will try its best to assign a proper name anyway.


Notice also that if instance is not registered to the map the first call to a log_ method will do it automatically.

How to Create a session map

The map is in fact a Graph that wants to register every relevant instance of a Session, including: Controller, Connections, Devices, Axis, and so on.

When registering an instance, it is convenient to add as much information as possible in order to use them later for visualizing or to apply any sort of elaboration.

For this reason is important to add:

  • parents_list: a list containing the parents of the instance, in case of a device it will be the controller instance, in case of a communication it will be a controller but also “comms”. If no parent is specify for a node it will have controllers as default parent.
  • children_list: a list containing children istances as comms, transactions, devices, axis
  • tag: this should be the best suited name to represent the instance, if not given instance name, class or id will be used.

Example 1:

Here is a Motor that is child of a controller:

# imagine this code inside an Axis.axis class
# in this specific example we have instantiated m0
# 'name' attribute is used as default to represent the object in the map
# 'tag' can be passed as kwarg to replace the name
# default is using name attribute of class
global_map.register(self, parents_list=[self.controller])


Example 2:

Here is a controller with a child connection:

# self is test_controller
global_map.register(self, children_list=[self._cnx], tag='test controller')

controllertest controllerconntcp_ipcontroller->conncontrollerscontrollerscontrollers->controllersessionsessionsession->controllers:wcommscommssession->commscounterscounterssession->counters:w

Example 3:

Here is a TCP connection that we also want to be child of session->comms

# during the first passage we register m0 and the controller
global_map.register(m0, parent_list=[m0.controller])
# during the second passage we register the TCP connection as a child of
# m0 and of comms
global_map.register(m0.conn, parent_list=[m0.controller, 'comms'])


Example 4:

To explain the flexibility here we are registering a child socket self._fd inside a Command class (self). If no parent is provided instances are registered under controllers as default.

If parent is provided later (or if this instance is a child of another one) the map will take this into account and remap nodes automatically.

from bliss import global_map

self._fd = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
global_map.register(self._fd, parents_list=[self, "comms"],


Final Considerations

There is no problem to register the same instance twice or even more times: it will automatically remap adding or removing links if necessary.

In general this is convenient for example to log as soon as possible and then after creating, let’s say a Socket, to register it as a child.

The Bliss barebone map is something like this:


Those string-type graph nodes provide the skeleton to which all other nodes are attached.

More string-type nodes an be created as a user if needed.


Be aware that all instances, if nothing is specify, will be child of “controllers”.

Using the logtools

Bliss provides a BlissLogger for instances/devices that gives some additional power.

Normally no-one need to care about this except to use some more functionalities in respect to normal Python logging.Logger(__name__).

This is how to proceed to add logging and printing to a controller:

  1. Import logtools: from bliss.common.logtools import log_XXX
  2. Logging utility functions to send messages to Beacon and the user:
    • log_debug() log_debug_data()
    • log_info() log_warning() log_error() log_critical() log_exception()
  3. Configure the logging utility functions above:
    • get_logger()
    • set_log_format()
    • hexify() asciify()
  4. Send messages to the electronic logbook:
    • elog_debug() elog_info() elog_warning() elog_error()
    • elog_critical() elog_print()

log_debug, log_info, …

Use them to log messages to a specific level, always pass as first argument the instance (normally self).

from bliss.common.logtools import log_info, log_error, log_debug

log_debug(self, "ACK received from %s" , host)
log_error(self, "Connection Failed")

# use after an except to add exception info
log_exception(self, "No response after %d times", n_retry)

As normal python logging methods %-string formatting (similar to C language printf) should be used. The use of python f-strings is discouraged as is not a lazy evaluation.


Like log_debug() but has an additional argument (data). This argument should be the last after eventual %-string arguments.

The idea in mind was to provide a debug function specifically for debugging raw data like low communication layers.

This function format the data in a nice way and allow to change dynamically the kind of visualization for string and bytestring.

DEMO [17]: from bliss import global_map

DEMO [18]: global_map.register('fakenode')  # register this fake string node

DEMO [19]: debugon('*fakenode')
Setting session.controllers.fakenode to show debug messages

DEMO [20]: log_debug_data('fakenode', "Received data from %s", host, b'13$213')
session.controllers.fakenode: Received data from bytes=6 b'13$213'

DEMO [21]: set_log_format('fakenode','hex')

DEMO [22]: log_debug_data('fakenode', "Received data from %s", host, b'13$213')
session.controllers.fakenode: Received data from
                              bytes=6 \x31\x33\x24\x32\x31\x33

Use set_log_format(instance, "ascii") or set_log_format_(instance, "hex") to change the format of log_debug_data messages.

The same kind of formatting can be obtained directly in code with hexify() and asciify():

DEMO [32]: asciify(bytes([i for i in range(0,100)]))
 Out [32]: b'\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\t\n\x0b\x0c\r\x0e\x0f\x10\x11
             \x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f !"#$%&\'()

DEMO [33]: hexify(bytes([i for i in range(0,100)]))
   Out [33]: '\\x00\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07\\x08\\x09\\x0a\\x0b\\x0c

debugon() and debugoff()

These methods are available in the shell. They allow setting the logging level to DEBUG or reset to default level.


from socket import *
class MyController:
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.comm = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
        global_map.register(self, children_list=[self.comm])
        # debug kept on while writing/debugging the controller.
        log_debug(self, "HI, I am born")
        self.worked_times = 0

    def work(self):
        log_debug_data(self, 'I am working a lot', self.worked_times)

DEMO [61]: mycon = MyController()
Setting session.controllers.MyController.socket to show debug messages
Setting session.controllers.MyController to show debug messages

DEBUG 2019-07-05 09:38:26,164 session.controllers.MyController: HI, I am born

DEMO [62]: debugoff(mycon)  # use debugon/off from shell also!
Setting session.controllers.MyController.socket to hide debug messages
Setting session.controllers.MyController to hide debug messages

DEMO [63]:  # nothing shows

elog_debug, elog_info, …

The user can use elog_print and elog_add to send “comments” to the logbook.

In addition there are the functions elog_debug(), elog_info(), elog_warning() and elog_error() which send level notifications to the electronic logbook.

As opposed to elog_print(), these functions are subject to the log level of bliss.common.logtools.elogbook (NOTSET by default).

The function elog_command() can be used to log the execution of a particular function.

More complex example

First defining a class MyConnection:

class MyConnection:
    def __init__(self, address):
        log_debug(self, "In %s.__init__", type(self))
        self.address = address
        self.sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
        global_map.register(self, children_list=[self.sock])
        log_debug(self, "Myconnection socket created to %s", address)

    def send(self):
        self.sock.send(b'GET /\n\r\n\r')
        data = self.sock.recv(1024)
        log_debug_data(self.sock, "Received from %s", self.address, data)
Then define a controller that uses MyConnection:

class MyController:
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.comm = MyConnection("")
        global_map.register(self, children_list=[self.comm])
        # debug kept on while writing/debugging the controller.
        log_debug(self, "HI, I am born")
        self.worked_times = 0

    def work(self):

And than burn powder!

DEMO [96]: mycontroller = MyController()
Setting session.ctrlers.MyController to show debug messages
Setting session.ctrlers.MyController.MyConnection.socket to show debug messages
Setting session.ctrlers.MyController.MyConnection to show debug messages
Setting session.ctrlers.MyController.socket to show debug messages
DEBUG 2019-07-05 10:00:00,000 session.controllers.MyController: HI, I am born

DEMO [97]:
DEBUG 2019-07-05 10:00:08 session.controllers.MyController.MyConnection.socket:
 Received from bytes=547 b'HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently\r\n
 Location:\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n
 Date: Fri, 05 Jul 2019 07:59 GMT\r\nExpires: Sun, 04 Aug 2019 07:59 GMT\r\n
 Cache-Control: public,
 max-age=25920\r\nServer: gws\r\nContent-Length: 219\r\nX-XSS-Protection: 0\r\n
 X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n<HTML><HEAD>
 <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">\n
 <TITLE>301 Moved</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>\n<H1>301 Moved</H1>\n
 The document has moved\n <A HREF="">here</A>.\r\n

DEMO [98]: debugoff(mycontroller)
Setting session.ctrlers.MyController to hide debug messages
Setting session.ctrlers.MyController.MyConnection.socket to hide debug messages
Setting session.ctrlers.MyController.MyConnection to hide debug messages
Setting session.ctrlers.MyController.socket to hide debug messages

DEMO [99]:
DEMO [100]: