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Smaract motor controller MCS


This page concerns only the MCS Smaract controller. For the new model MCS2 please refer to the BLISS controller for smaract MCS2 model.

The only supported protocol is TCP, and the default port is 5000. If the port configuration is changed in the controller box, it must be also changed in the YML file by adding the port number in the TCP url: url: <host>:<port>

Supported features

Encoder Shutter Trajectories

Configuration example

plugin: emotion
class: SmarAct
  url: id99smaract1
power: Enabled                 # (1)
  - name: rot1
    unit: degree               # (2)
    steps_per_unit: 1000000    # (2)
    velocity: 2                # (3)
    acceleration: 0            # (4)
    sensor_type: SR20          # (5)
    hold_time: 60              # (6)
    tolerance: 1e-3
  1. power: initialization mode of sensors power supply (optional)

    • Disabled : power is disabled. Almost nothing will work (disadvised)
    • Enabled : (default) power is always on
    • PowerSave : used to avoid unnecessary heat generation (useful for in-vacuum motors)
  2. steps_per_unit:

    • For rotary sensors, position is given in micro-degree so if you want to work in degrees you need to put steps_per_unit to 1,000.000.
    • For linear sensors, position is given in nano-meter so if you want to work in millimeter you need to put steps_per_unit to 1,000.000.
  3. velocity: setting to 0 disables velocity control and implicitly acceleration control and low vibration mode as well.

  4. acceleration: setting to 0 disables acceleration control and low vibration mode as well.

  5. sensor_type: SensorType string (optional, default is to assume the controller was previously configured and use its value)

  6. hold_time (in seconds) after move/home search (optional, default is 60 meanning hold forever)

Further reading (ESRF only)

bliss wiki: Smaract