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Configuring a Wago Analog Output as a motor

Wago Motor

This capability is given to be used inside scans where you need to change the Wago output accordingly with the progression of the Scan itself.

To know how to configure a Wago read the section Wago

YAML configuration file example

- module: wago
  class: WagoMotor
  wago: $wago_simulator
  - name: dacm1
    logical_name: o10v1
    logical_channel: 0
    low_limit: 0
    high_limit: 10000
    steps_per_unit: 0.001
    unit: mV
  - name: dacm2
    logical_name: o10v2
    logical_channel: 0
    low_limit: 0
    high_limit: 10000
    steps_per_unit: 0.001
    unit: mV

Axes names should correspond to logical_devices configured in the wago itself. If there are multiple channels defined with the same name be sure to specify also the logical_channel.

There is no need to specify velocity, acceleration as this does not make sense (changes of output are always made at the maximum speed).